Mariana Nikolova with important revelations about COVID-hotels and the budget for 2021 – Politics


The Ministry of Tourism does not hold a contest for quarantine beds in hotels. I want to clarify this. These are not hospitals, but places to take in less sick people or foreigners who arrive in Bulgaria and are infected but do not show symptoms.

This is what the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Tourism Mariana Nikolova said in the “From the day” program of BNTMariana nikolovaMariana Nikolova was born on September 16, 1975. She graduated in Public Administration and on the occasion of the government’s idea of ​​providing a mattress as a buffer zone to prevent the population from suffering the coronavirus crisis.

It is entirely within the prerogative of the Ministry of Health to decide when these beds can be used. We hope that the Ministry of Health will provide us with information on the health requirements that accommodation establishments defined as “quarantined hotels” must meet, as well as what should be the organization of their activities related to the provision of accommodation and food and how hoteliers could receive funding for this in accordance with the measures taken to combat COVID-19. On Monday we will speak with colleagues from the Ministry of Health and the Health Inspection. We currently have 3,000 beds of this type in hotels throughout the country, most of them in the city of Sofia and the Sofia region. We are ready for 5,000 beds, ”he said.

COVID hotels open instead of field hospitals

“The positive cases are increasing, but the good thing is that today we have about 700 cured. Practice in other countries shows that these types of hotels are used as a buffer for people who must be isolated and cannot do so in their homes, because they do not infect their family members, as well as people who arrive from abroad and are subject to mandatory quarantine. This prevents the possibility of some of these groups of people transmitting the infection to other people with whom they would come in contact, “added Nikolova.

The second meeting of the Tourism Advisory Council was held

“The tourism sector is the most affected by this crisis. The global decline is higher than 85% and the losses exceed 80 billion. In Bulgaria at the moment we do not have bankruptcies of tour operators, but given these figures they can be reached Thank you To the 60/40 measure, it saved more than 30,000 jobs and the measure will continue through the “winter” season, and most likely into the beginning of the summer season. The state is doing everything it can to support the industry . You have been right, you will receive aid. We are currently specifying how the guides will be cared for, “revealed the Minister of Tourism.

“BGN 17.5 million is foreseen for the Bulgarian advertising next year. The results of the Bulgarian advertising for the summer season were good. More than 1 million foreigners have seen the Bulgarian ads. For the winter season , we will revert to relying mainly on national tourism Our motto will be that mountains temper health and our mountains offer unique conditions. There are already reservations for the New Year. I want to call on everyone in the industry to be flexible in offering offers for the winter season and the upcoming Christmas and New Year holidays. “, called the deputy prime minister.

“In no way can I support the claim that next year’s budget is pre-election and wasteful. This budget is social and supports all sectors affected by the pandemic. The most important thing is that people’s incomes are preserved. They need to know. that the state supports them and will support them ”, Mariana Nikolova was categorical.Mariana nikolovaMariana Nikolova was born on September 16, 1975. She graduated in Public Administration and.
