Maradona with great wealth: This is how the millions he leaves behind – ᐉ Today’s and last-hour sports news


It is difficult, if not impossible, to accurately calculate the inheritance in money and real estate of Diego Maradona, who died last week, reported the daily Marka, quoted by dariknews. The legend has left properties and assets in different parts of the world, but there is certainly a tough battle ahead due to the existing legal confusion about his legacy.

According to the portal, which specializes in celebrity money, Celebrity Net Worth, Maradona’s total career income reaches $ 500 million. The estimates of those most familiar with their financial affairs are around $ 75 million in current assets, taking into account everything that could theoretically be in different parts of the world, said Clarín Julio Chiapeta, one of the journalists with the most authority on the subject. of Maradona.

“Without a doubt, this will be the next great soap opera around the figure of Maradona, which is coming up,” he said.

As far as is known, Don Diego did not leave a written will. What gives inheritance rights to his recognized heirs: Dalma and Janina (daughters of the marriage of Claudia Villafanier), Jeanne, Diego Jr. and Diego Fernando.

There are two problems here: First, the five are not understood. Recently the three girls have been together and even formed a group with Dr. Luke, who in theory should have informed them about what was happening to their father, although it is not known to what extent. The Italian son Diego is a little further away from the others, but at the same time he had good relations with everyone. As a young man, he wasn’t looking for cheap popularity, he just loved his father very much. Diego Sinagra was unable to travel to the funeral due to a coronavirus infection.

The fifth is little Diego Fernando, son of Verónica Ojeda. He is not of legal age, and his mother Verónica is not well received by the daughters of the “ten”.

The second problem with regard to children are those that are not recognized. It is known that at least six are in this situation, a child in La Plata, another in Buenos Aires and at least 4 children in Cuba who are not recognized. One of them even asked to get a DNA test of the star’s body, which was impossible during the pandemic and is now becoming even more difficult.

Yesterday, the judge announced that he would give preference to the daughters as directly affected (by his death).

A small sample of Maradona’s properties shows that he owns them in Argentina (5 houses), Cuba and Venezuela. Currently, the Maradona brand is in the name of a company owned by his lawyer Matthias Morla, at least for the United States and Argentina. Diego had a lifetime contract with Puma, as well as contracts with Konami and EA Sports.
