Map of the day: Bulgaria’s first district left the red zone of those infected by COVID-19 – Bulgaria


A district in Bulgaria has already left the red zone of alarming morbidity from COVID-19, said the state’s chief health inspector, Angel Kunchev, at the regular weekly briefing of health authorities on the situation related to the coronavirus.

This is the Kardzhali district, where those infected have fallen below the critical threshold of 120 per 100,000 inhabitants over the past 14 days. According to the color code adopted by the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control, Kardzhali moves to the orange zone, with a morbidity of 60 to 119 people per 100,000 inhabitants. The rest of the country remains in the alarming red zone.

The data is reported on the basis of PCR tests, which are the only officially recognized ones in Bulgaria. The state does not provide official statistics on the results of rapid antigen tests, although their number has increased since the beginning of November, when they began and are used not only in private laboratories, but also in triage vans in front of hospitals and COVID centers in clinics.

The stricter restrictive measures introduced a week ago are beginning to pay off, albeit partial, Angel Kunchev said. He announced that for the first time in a long time the incidence in Bulgaria in 14 days fell below 600 people per 100 thousand – 591. With this result, Bulgaria falls one place in the ranking of morbidity in the European Union – from 11 to 12 place . However, in terms of mortality, the country remains number one in Europe for the past two weeks.

Here is the situation with those infected in Europe, according to the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control:

The current situation of those infected in Europe: the map belongs to the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control.

© European Center for Disease Prevention and Control

The current situation of those infected in Europe: the map belongs to the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control.
