Mao Zedong had sex with virgins, Hitler and Stalin … – ᐉ Curious • lifestyle news about lifestyle, diet, health and fashion


What habits do you find strange? Each of us judges according to his own “criteria”, no two people are the same. That is why everyone has different peculiarities, writes the newspaper “Trud”.

Don’t even touch them

“Everybody is crazy about their numbers” is a very wise saying. But as for the oddities of dictators, it is only said in the mind, not out loud.

Stalin simply astonished the people around him with his unwillingness to change old but favorite things like canvas boots. When the leader’s shoes were worn to the point of being unsuitable, the relatives nevertheless changed them, but under the cover of night.

Sometimes Joseph Visarionovich had sunk into his own thoughts and did not notice the change, but he did. Then he immediately demanded that the old pair of canvas boots be returned to him.

He did not allow his old alarm clock in the shape of a fox with a broken ear to be thrown away. This is not about stinginess. Stalin owned a small amount of things, but he was attached to them because they represented an aura of security, a familiar environment.

Stalin also liked to watch westerns, although he prohibited them from being shown on the country’s screens. He loved to watch these types of films and in general, curiously, he preferred western cinema and was a great connoisseur of it.

By the way, the leader had an inherent interest not only in cinema but also in poetry: in his youth he even published his works under the pseudonym Socelo. It is true that he was ashamed of this later in life and prohibited the publication of his poems. Perhaps because in them he appeared as a completely different person, vulnerable and sensitive. And the leader, according to Stalin, should not be like that.

The “plush” Fuhrer

Despite his obsession to conquer the world, Hitler suffered from a series of complexes and doubts. He didn’t like her body, her appearance in general, and her ugly upper lip in particular. As a teenager, he grew a beautiful mustache, but the authorities did not approve of his appearance. The fact is that they interfere with the installation of a gas mask. The future Fuhrer could not renounce the vegetation on his lip, so he compromised and corrected the shape of his mustache and thus the famous “brushes” appeared.

There is evidence that the man who killed so many people in everyday life was quite sentimental, sensitive and, in Eva Brown’s presence, even looked like a stuffed toy.

He adored dogs, felt sorry for all animals that suffered cruelty, and even wanted to pass a series of laws against such actions. Hitler did not eat much meat because he felt sorry for cows and wanted to reduce the consumption of meat products in Germany. How such sentimentality coexisted with his terrible deeds is a mystery.

Historians claim that Adolf Hitler considered vegetarianism to be part of his specific ideology. According to him, eating meat appears to contaminate the human gene pool in the same way as mixing races. The most common theory about the Führer’s diet was that he had indigestion – the politician often suffered from constipation.

Photo: Shutterstock

Mao Zedong had sex with virgins, and Hitler and Stalin ...

The toothbrush is useless

Another dictator who surprises with his peculiarities is the legendary Chairman Mao. The Chinese leader dreamed of becoming immortal and had an unusual strategy to achieve this goal.

First, he flatly refused to brush his teeth. The argument was simple: not the tiger. Either by funny animal he meant himself, or he simply used that phrase to cover up the threat: “They say I’m dangerous, be afraid of me.” By the way, he generally didn’t like to wash.

Second, the driver could spend a few days in his huge bed, work on it, eat and think. In short, Mao Zedong was not addicted to exercise.

And third, according to some unknown esoteric wisdom, or simply believing in the idea itself, the leader was convinced that extremely close communication with innocent young men would help him become immortal and eternally young.

The girls themselves did not mind, because for them the opportunity to look at their beloved leader was a great happiness. And, of course, they didn’t think they were just a means to rejuvenate overnight. Maybe forever, because it would be too traumatic for her psyche.
