Manolova: The status quo is Borisov, Peevski, Domuschiev, Majo, the Margins … – ᐉ News from Bulgaria • latest news and current information


“Borissov’s collapse will take everyone behind the scenes with him. It even scares me to think how far the collapse of this model, for whose existence our whole generation is responsible, can go, because we did not clarify it and remove it in time. for the state to be taken over by a small group of people, for the law to be enforced accordingly, and for the institutions to turn into bats. We no longer have the right to be wrong. ” This was stated in a video interview for “Studio Banker” by the leader of “Stand Up.BG” Maya Manolova.

In the interview Maya Manolova also said:

“On the staff of the status quo are Borisov, Delyan Peevski, Kiril Domuschiev, Majo, Marginite, Kovachki, Kotaracite, Valyo Zlatev, maybe I miss someone. These are the people close to power who thrive in difficult times when people lose their jobs and income.

The problems are not very partisan, we have a problem with democracy, the rotten Borisov system threatens the foundations of the entire society. And it can only be destroyed by common action.

The lack of unification makes it possible for Borissov to be in power.

Each day of Borissov in power is measured by the loss of human life: the health crisis is over, citizens and businesses have no support.

The joint pre-electoral actions will allow the structuring of a sufficiently monolithic reformist majority in the new parliament.

The time has come not for strong politicians, but for strong statesmen who can turn their backs on party interest in the name of the national goal.

Anyone who comes to power with false promises will be stoned. And 11 years won’t wait for him, 11 days will be enough for the next brat.

The status quo fears the free vote of Bulgarians abroad: you cannot manipulate, lie and twist your arms there. The government changed the Electoral Code about 20 times, which was written with my active participation in 2014, and Bulgarians abroad suffered the most severe defeats. They set limits for sections in individual countries, apparently under the plausible pretext of voting in Turkey, although everyone knows that voting there has reached its limit and is 70,000 votes. Therefore, the restrictive rules are to the detriment of Bulgarians around the world outside of Turkey. “

