Mangarov vs. Baltov is a tensor, I have antibodies and I will not get vaccinated (audio)


After Prime Minister Boyko Borissov’s morning request that and Associate Prof. Atanas Mangarov will be vaccinated, and the Prime Minister’s wish for this to happen publicly, Associate Prof. Mangarov announced to Dir.bgthat will not be vaccinated against coronavirus because antibodies develop after asymptomatic illness.

“People like me and Prime Minister Boyko Borissov, who contracted the virus, do not need to be vaccinated, unless they are tensors like Baltov, who are vaccinated again. Or like Boris Johnson, who also contracted it and is vaccinated, but there things are different, ”said the head of the KOVID ward at the Hospital for Infectious Diseases.

Yesterday, the director of UMHAT “Pirogov” Asen Baltov explained that he had been vaccinated, although he had already had the coronavirus. According to him, everyone who has encountered the disease should do the same.

“Even though I had COVID, I think I need to get vaccinated, like other people who have had COVID-19, because there is no long-lasting immunity and the antibodies are gradually decreasing. So it is good to get vaccinated to achieve herd immunity.” felt before the vaccine. I believe that all clinically healthy people should get vaccinated, “said Baltov.

According to Adjunct Professor Mangarov, even before the Christmas holidays, he spoke with the Prime Minister and explained to him the ways to achieve the collective immunity of the population and stop the epidemic: in nature, in which a person has antibodies and immune response, or the complementary one. way, through immunizations.

“What I have explained to the Prime Minister is that people like him, who have antibodies, do not need to be vaccinated, because they only wear the vaccine, which can be used to save someone else. When someone opposes you. and he tells you that after you get sick with the virus and develop antibodies, you need to get vaccinated again, or he does not understand any of these things and you should not trust him, or he is a person who lies to you and you should not trust him again. What I told the prime minister was that if he had not contracted the virus, I would have advised him to get vaccinated. If I had not contracted it, they would have also vaccinated me, because we are elderly ”.

According to Associate Professor Mangarov, it would be nice to make one antibody test, before taking the step of vaccination against KOVID-19. If this person has antibodies, it will only wear down the vaccine and can have negative effects. But if a person is older, has a comorbid illness, and has not had the virus, they have two options: drive them crazy, risk death, or get vaccinated by first signing an informed consent form.

Associate Professor Atanas Mangarov also explained that he does not believe the government’s thesis that the more famous people get vaccinated in public, the more people will trust the immunization campaign against the virus and go to get vaccinated.

“I think it is necessary to explain to people the ways to get herd immunity. They are sensitive and when this is explained to them and when sufficiently safe products are presented, they will be vaccinated. And I’m sure they are will be vaccinated“Mangarov is categorical.

Asked what he would advise people who have not yet thought about getting vaccinated or not, the infectious diseases specialist replied: “I think that the people who need to be vaccinated are mostly those of age who have concomitant diseases, that if they get sick from KOVID, They would make it difficult for them and they could die. “

Mangarov recalled that he had never been against vaccines, but especially against the coronavirus there are reservations.

“It is a vaccine that uses a new technology and introduces a foreign genetic code into the human body. This code causes your cells to produce a foreign protein against which your immune system is already producing antibodies.

One possibility here is to what extent your immune system would not be able to recognize the cells that produce the foreign protein as foreign and lead to an autoimmune disease. As such, it cannot be established within a few months.

The second thing is that by inserting this genetic code into your cells, it begins to reproduce and then mistakes can occur. When this happens, it may not start producing exactly the proteins we want, that is, it has oncogenic potential. This also cannot be established in a few months.

The vaccine is good because it is a new technology with great future. But using it on a large scale, especially with young people, is not very sensible. “
