Mangarov: The headquarters to get lost scares people. Kantardzhiev: the virus is 5 times more serious than the flu


The way information about the coronavirus is presented is extremely incorrect and terrifying. If someone wants to scare, they may think that scared people are easier to manipulate. This is what the adjunct professor Atanas Mangarov, who opposes measures against the coronavirus in our country, told BNT.

According to him, the correct way is to say how many of the tests were done on people for the first time, on people in quarantine, for the second, third time. Also, how many of those examined entered the hospital for the first time. And yet, how many of those treated in intensive care are only for COVID-19 and not due to another illness?

Associate Professor Mangarov cites data from the National Operations Headquarters, according to which the incidence of the coronavirus in Bulgaria is 43 per 100,000 people.

“We are number one in the European Union in terms of mortality. In general, mortality this year is a lower percentage than in previous years. We do not have an extraordinary number of people who have died from coronavirus,” he said.

Associate Professor Mangarov also responded to criticism that he did not have a sober assessment for COVID-19, as he did not treat patients with the infection.

“There are almost no children, those who have been in the hospital, I have consulted them, but they have nothing. Those who are hospitalized have flu symptoms, one and a half. I don’t refuse to examine anyone. Nobody I have not returned ”, explained the specialist in infectious diseases.

According to Mangarov, “the venue should be lost” because it only scares people.

For his part, the director of the Center for Infectious and Parasitic Diseases Prof. Todor Kantardzhiev told bTV that there will be no home confinement due to the spread of the coronavirus, but the elderly, people with chronic diseases and people with immunodeficiency must be protected.

“The National Operational Headquarters gives recommendations based on analysis. Otherwise, at the suggestion of the National Health Inspector, the Minister issues an order. Until now there is no attitude. At the moment we must protect asylums, hospitals so that they do not become outbreaks. We saw it with the schools is not scary, “said Professor Kantardjiev.

According to him, the masks and the distance are what reduce and control the epidemic.

The high values ​​of those infected with coronavirus are due to things that can be prevented and things that cannot be prevented, said the director of the Center for Infectious and Parasitic Diseases.

“People who had to wear masks indoors could wear them. If they consciously wear them in public transport and shops, if not many people gather in one place, we could have fewer cases,” Prof. Kantardzhiev said.

He pointed out what are the things that we cannot avoid. According to him, first of all it is an airborne infection that is very difficult to control, with measures we can only limit it. “The measures only reduce the cases and reduce the severe course of the disease,” said Professor Kantardzhiev. We have an increase in cases across Europe, he said.

“Every 10 years, we expect a virus that is in animals to be transmitted to humans. These are usually the microbes that cause the most serious infections. When a microbe passes from animals to humans, it is usually very dangerous because it is not adapted to the human body.

The last coronavirus lived on bats. They have a protein that protects against viral infections, they produce viruses that do not kill them, but if they go after people, they start causing problems, ”explained the director of the Center for Infectious and Parasitic Diseases.

According to Professor Kantardzhiev, the virus is five times more dangerous and five times more serious than the flu. However, thanks to the measures, we do not have a spread like the flu, said Professor Kantardzhiev.

He described the decision to allow people to issue references for PCR testing as very correct. According to him, rapid tests are what can save the system. “Rapid antigen tests should be used widely. They work and quickly test whether a person may be infected. They are not as sensitive as the PCR test, but they are reliable criteria and cost 20 leva,” Kantardzhiev emphasized.
