Mangarov: If we test all students with fever, schools will close in a few weeks


“When children go to school, the rate of respiratory infections will increase very soon, which is normal. If we start PCR testing on any child who develops a fever, a large number of schools will close within a few weeks.”

This was commented on in the “Face to Face” program by Associate Prof. Atanas Mangarov, head of the children’s ward at the Hospital for Infectious Diseases.

“If we want to act this way, just cancel the school year and skip school,” he added wryly.

According to him, so-called isolators in schools do not make much sense, because before a student arrived, he communicated with all the other children. Also, in the days before he had shown clinical symptoms, it had been just as contagious as when he had.

“In this way, we only create stress for the children and the impression that we are doing something for their good, but in fact we are not doing anything,” said associate professor Mangarov.

Regarding protective masks, he said there was no statistically reliable clinical study that could conclusively show that there were benefits to wearing them.

“Until February of this year, the WHO published films showing that wearing masks was pointless. Then all of a sudden they said that wearing them was the best thing in the world. Introduce something, impose it on everyone, since there is no scientific evidence, it is not reasonable, “said associate professor Atanas Mangarov.

He also commented on the subject of COVID-19 vaccines and if there will be one soon.

“There is a vaccine, but it is not well proven. Russia has an advantage of at least 7-8 years because it uses the same technology that was used for the Ebola vaccine. They use human adenoviruses, which are very well studied. They use something that it already exists and they make the new vaccine based on it. But it also has to go through the whole research stage. Others use a completely different technology: monkey adenoviruses, which are not so well studied. So surprises can be expected. ” explained associate professor Mangarov.
