Mangarov: fear and profit fill hospitals


The way information about the coronavirus is presented is extremely incorrect and terrifying. If someone wants to scare, you might think that scared people are easier to manipulate. This was stated in the BNT study Associate Prof. Atanas Mangarov and he again criticized the work of the government and the headquarters in particular.

Angelov: Only we can tell the truth about the measures against the epidemic.


Angelov: Only we can tell the truth about the measures against the epidemic.

False news about tougher measures threaten people’s lives, the minister warned

According to Mangarov “You have to lose the headquarters” precisely because it only scares people. Mangarov noted that his thesis remained unchanged He has always said the following to Prime Minister Borissov: This venue must be lost because scares people, and all negatives go to the prime minister. You can’t say if NIGHT is influenced by political decisions, but you still believe it. the headquarters does not think for itself, but is influenced by political motives.

According to him, the correct way is to say how many of the tests were done on people for the first time, on people in quarantine, for the second, third time. Also, how many of those examined entered the hospital for the first time. And yet, how many of those treated in intensive care are only for COVID-19 and not due to another illness?

448 new cases of coronavirus in 3,795 tests, 4 victims

448 new cases of coronavirus in 3,795 tests, 4 victims

59 people are in intensive care units …

Associate Professor Mangarov cites data from the National Operations Headquarters, according to which the incidence of coronavirus in Bulgaria is 43 per 100,000 inhabitants. The number of patients who need intensive care is the same: around 60 to 100 since the beginning of the epidemic in our country. That is why Mangarov is calm: the epidemic is developing in a normal and expected way. “I do not know how and what does Professor Vitanov foresee, but I am sure this will not happen, “Mangarov responded to the apocalyptic predictions. A collapse, according to him, could occur, when non-hospital patients are admitted or if a large part of the medical staff becomes infected.

The problem and the risk for the state is that people who do not receive such treatment are admitted to the hospital, explained Mangarov. This is due to the fear, the instilled panic and the normal aspiration of medical establishments, which are commercial enterprises, to perform more clinical pathways. Many coronavirus sufferers don’t need to be hospitalized at all.

“We are number one in the European Union in terms of mortality. However, overall, mortality is a lower percentage this year.than in previous years. We do not have an extraordinary number of people who have died from coronavirus in addition“Mangarov added.

It strongly hopes that the authorities, and in particular the Minister of Health, will oppose the claim that the old measures will not be introduced and will close. Atanas Mangarov gave as an example the countries that introduced the strictest measures in the spring as Montenegro and Spain, which are currently experiencing strong growth again. This does not happen in Sweden and Belaruswhich stayed open before spring.

If we had not acted so stupidly, we would not have dealt such a severe blow to the Bulgarian economy.“Mangarov concluded.

Kostadin Angelov: There is no health crisis in our country

Kostadin Angelov: There is no health crisis in our country

Hospitals are insured, doctors are tired
