Mangarov and Tsvetanov leaders against Health Minister Angelov (Obzor)



Former second in GERB Tsvetan Tsvetanov and the sharpest critic of NIGHT’s actions during the COVID-19 pandemic – Atanas Mangarov, faces Health Minister Kostadin Angelov in the fight for the next parliament. The minister should be the GERB leader in Varna and Veliko Tarnovo.

In the old capital, Angelov will clash directly with the leader of the Republicans for Bulgaria. Tsvetanov announced that he would be the leader in Tarnovo at the inauguration of the party office in the city.



The list of Republicans in the Veliko Tarnovo region would be made up of knowledgeable and capable young people.



Adjunct Professor Atanas Mangarov will be the leader of the ABV list in Varna.

He was represented by the party leader, Rumen Petkov. The associate professor received the most nominations for leader of the list and was nominated despite the party’s founder, Georgi Parvanov, not agreeing with his candidacy.

The president (2002-2012) did not approve of Mangarov’s statements against NIGHT’s actions.

Parvanov’s position led to the resignation of the ABV regional president in Pazardzhik Atanas Shopov. “I do not accept and do not understand the position of the founder of the ABC party against the nomination of a worthy person: associate professor, doctor, specialist in infectious diseases, at the top of the party lists.

As I do not accept any decision relevant to the politics of lack of principles or lack of ideas, “Shopov wrote on Facebook. He leaves both his post and the party. (24 hours)
