Lombardy filled hospitals and morgues, and Veneto treated home with good results


How the different approach to Italian areas led to radically different results

100,000 Italian doctors have asked the Health Minister, Roberto Speranza, to do everything possible to stimulate the treatment of people infected with coronavirus outside of hospitals.

The streets of Milan come alive.
PHOTOS: Reuters

The streets of Milan come alive.
PHOTOS: Reuters

How? By identifying those who are infected with even the smallest symptoms, it is possible to treat them at home. According to the Republika newspaper, the 100,000 doctors united in a social network wrote to their minister asking him to allow treatment at home with all possible means, medicines and tests and without bureaucratic obstacles.

The goal is to detect and suppress the disease from an early age and not develop pneumonia, which means that patients are almost always resuscitated.

It is precisely the different method of treatment, whether in hospitals or at home, that has been decisive for the radically different results achieved in Lombardy and Veneto. These were the first two areas where outbreaks of coronavirus broke out, and then all of Italy was burned.

For years they have been

the two areas,

model in

health care

not only in Italy,

but also in Europe

However, starting from very close starting points, they achieved qualitatively different results due to their different choice of therapy. In Lombardy, the epidemic struck at a rapid speed, reaching a sinister result of 11 victims for every 10,000 inhabitants, while in Veneto it had 2 victims for every 10,000 inhabitants. Lombardy overcrowded its hospitals, and Veneto decided to treat the infected more at home.

In its investigation, the Corriere della Sera newspaper cites data from the Italian Statistical Institute that in Milan 90 people per day now die, while in the same period last year they died at 30. In Bergamo, they died at 21 years old at 4 last year. in Brescia, now 20 years old, and last year with 5. These are all Lombardy cities.

This is the only area in Italy where the public and private health sectors are on an equal footing, and this has always been a source of pride and excellence in the past. Now, however, this balance has turned into chaos. On February 21, when the first coronavirus patient was registered in Italy, it turned out that Lombardy had 8.5 beds in intensive care for every 100,000 inhabitants, while there were 10 in Veneto.

30% of these


They are lombardy

in private hands

It turned out then that in the crucial first hours of the outbreak, when every minute was valuable, the area had to waste time agreeing with the private sector at intensive care sites. In Lombardy, the value of jeeps has been minimized over the years, and they have now proven to be the decisive first step in identifying infected people in Italy. Thus, in Lombardy hospitals, already seriously ill patients began to arrive one after the other, obstructing resuscitation.

According to Corriere della Sera, the “massacre” in nursing homes in Lombardy, where there were hundreds of people who died after the massive infestation, was also the result of a late decision by the district to close them only on March 4 for visits from outsiders. .

Lombardy, which, more than any other region in Italy, wanted more autonomy, has now proven to be the area with the least exercise. Despite several outbreaks of the epidemic, the district governor and health adviser were at the beginning

they waited until the last

a first ministerial decree to

close the area

despite the enormous risks for the people of Lombardy.

Writer Roberto Saviano also occupies a similar position, according to which Lombardy pays too much for the defects of the mixed health system based on equal parts of the public and private sectors.

This cohabitation was created by the center-right administrations that have governed the area for the past two decades. However, it was considered the richest and most effective healthcare system to prove to be the least successful in treating the pandemic. In the Italian system, the regions have exclusive autonomy in the field of health. Paradoxically, Lombardy’s weak point is in its dynamic economy and its enormous exchange and relations with the rest of the world, especially with China, Saviano said.

In the valleys of Bergamo swept by the coronavirus, there are thousands of small companies that make up the locomotive not only of the Lombardy industry but also of Italy. However, at one point, while discussing the dramatic choice of intensive care physicians to intubate and let die, another decision had to be made:

to close

make factories at risk of

economic collapse,

or to keep everything open, sacrificing human lives?

It’s clear what the answer should be, but according to Saviano, the Lombardy District and the central government have been transferring hot potatoes for the closure of industries for weeks. Meanwhile, in order not to isolate the necessary workers in the home assembly system, it was necessary to decide between life and work and to prefer the widespread infection that led to a horrible death rate, as Saviano wrote in The Republic.

The Lombardy case is becoming even darker by contrasting with the situation in the neighboring Veneto region. Although its population is half that of Lombardy, it has the same dynamic economy. Venus, which, like Lombardy, is led by the League, addresses the epidemic crisis in a totally different and very effective way. This can be seen in the death toll: on April 19 they are

more than 12,000

in Lombardia

vs. 1059

in Veneto

with 170,000 tests carried out. Unlike Lombardy, Veneto is primarily aimed at monitoring the infected, without symptoms, to identify each outbreak and close its territory to stop the spread of the infection. Unlike Lombardy, Veneto tried to minimize hospitalization of patients. Of course, not for serious cases. Home treatment is preferable to hospital placement.

Lombardy, in the context of its unpredictable crisis and its rate of spread, has shown a fairly low level in terms of organizational sphere: insecurity in the closure of certain areas, lack of safeguards and dominance of politics and power groups.

What happened in Lombardy and Veneto: The first areas in Europe to be hit by the K-19 is vital for the rest of the continent because it demonstrates two different approaches and shows what not to do, how not to act, and how not to communicate. According to Roberto Saviano, the fault lies not only with the center-right powers in the two provinces, since, on the contrary, in Bergamo and Milan, the mayors are on the left. However, the virus showed


The management

approach to

the public sector

characterizing the rich region in which work is essential.

According to the Ministry of Health, more than 18% of deaths from coronavirus infection have been reported in Lombardy since April 19, compared to 6.7% in Veneto. In Lombardy (10 million inhabitants), more than 66,000 were infected and in Veneto (4.9 million inhabitants) less than 16,000. civilians during World War II.
