Lilana’s daughter-in-law makes strong words against her husband’s enemies


Lilana’s sister-in-law was quick to defend her boyfriend on Facebook.

According to her, the brother of singer Alexander Deyanov-Skiller was silent “so as not to hurt anyone” and was deceived.

“They took an innocent lamb, which is a good and humble creature, I would say that it is as tender as a girl’s tear.” If there are scammers, there will be scammers. And it is not a shame to be deceived because you are naive and believe in your dreams. My lamb is a pure and innocent soul, a deeply spiritual and humble person ”, writes Tsvetelina on social networks.

It also tells how scared she was to break into and search her home. “I was watching the news. However, what they do not say in them is that they looked for the houses where we created, we worked, we slept, we fed, we prayed, we found peace and privacy. Now I have no rest. I saw that everyone can enter this space “at home” and make you feel unnecessary, oblivious to the place you created with love and soul to feel comfortable. Fierce dogs, hungry like wolves, came looking for fresh meat and blood, “says Lilana’s daughter-in-law.

The singer and her brother, who is her partner in an IT company, were arrested on Saturday on charges of misuse of euro money. According to the indictment, the companies led by Lilana have been sucking up European money by buying the same software from a non-commercial foreign company.
