LiLana remains in custody and her brother is released for BGN 100,000


His partner in IT company Martin Dimitrov is also behind bars.

Alexander Deyanov, better known as the boxer beatler Skiller, is out of custody on a $ 100,000 bond. Her sister, Lilyana Deyanova, popularly known as the singer LiLana, and her partner in the IT company Martin Dimitrov, remain behind bars. That was decided on Sunday night by a specialized criminal court.

All three were accused of spending money on the EU’s Innovation and Competitiveness program.

Singer LiLana detained at a show in Sofia

According to the prosecution, through a company that does not work registered abroad, they bought software with funds from Brussels. They then sold the same software to hollow companies in Bulgaria. The company, in which LiLana and Dimitrov are partners, is responsible for the BG TOL traffic system.

The prosecutor’s office wants a permanent arrest in LiLana

On Saturday, computers and documents were seized from the offices of the special prosecutor’s office and the Interior Ministry. Investigators are also examining whether LiLana was not framed by businessman Vasil Bozhkov.

The court’s decision is not final and can be appealed.

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