LiLana Lawyer: The case is personalized


This is the usual point of loitering or disorder that the prosecution makes. It is clear that this is a personalized case, it is clear that they are looking for a calf. They announced that they were looking for a connection to Vasil Bozhkov. This is clearly the direction of this case. The prosecution has put together some EU projects, which have, however, been audited and there is no problem with their revenue, with a complaint to the prosecutor’s office against the RIA and the toll system.

This was stated by Frog News Adv. Nikolay Hadjigenov, who took over the defense of Martin Dimitrov and Lilyana Deyanova, who have a common business, and their brother, Alexander Deyanov, known as the SkilleR beatboxer. Yesterday it was clear that they had been arrested and charged with an organized crime group. This is what Hadzhigenov said to our team.

When the action against Vasil Bozhkov started, based on my experience with custom cases of this variety, I said somewhere in the media that if Bozhkov had a Geshev dog, he would jump on his head until it was annihilated and everything was taken from him. There is an attached piece of paper that mentions that Bozhkov is involved in a 50 to 50 company. He is associated with a person who does not tell me anything and is not one of the accused persons. There is no reason for this to be the case, unless Bozhkov is the target. Obviously, nothing comes from what Geshev said on television, about rapes, blackmail, etc. and now they were brought home by a book for all those who had something to do with it or some joint venture. I wonder, I have no idea from Bozhkov how many companies there are, probably thousands, considering their size, but who does business with a company with their own share. I ask myself this question: even those who steal VAT, the big successful robberies that happen since there is VAT in our country, their companies have different fictitious people. Like IBF with a Cypriot owner or Girardelli or something like that.

Who the hell is stealing with their own europroject companies? In this accusation, they have actually made a mess of European projects, but they have been audited and have no problem with them, with the development of the toll system. Lilyana Deyanova and Martin Dimitrov made a big scandal on the subject of the toll system, that the RIA did not have access to it, they held a press conference, they pointed to the prosecutor’s office, they got to the Prime Minister, etc., but in the end It turns out that a company needs to win, not Martin and Liliana.

The complaint they filed is several hundred pages long, which are months of analytical work. They have carried out the work of a control body in Bulgaria on the subject of the toll system. But instead of the prosecution and the institutions doing something, surely it was only me who spread the signal to see what it was about, it was implemented in the case. What this accusation has to do with is a good question, but there is no answer. In fact, the proceedings against him began on the basis of the complaint they filed. In addition to the charge of organized crime, misuse of EU funds, concealment of income, Martin Dimitrov and Lilyana Deyanova are also accused of threats to the management of the AIP and the committee related to the toll system. This must be a terrifying past because they called for the resignation of the AIP leadership due to all this mess with the toll system. I will allow myself to give a personal example, because not only did I want Sotir Tsatsarov to resign for 5 years, but I tried to fire him in every possible way. Ivan Geshev was still a candidate when I started to say that I didn’t like him and that I was also trying to fire him. If this is a criminal act, why don’t they hang me on the yellow sidewalks?

At yesterday’s meeting on the measures, we were only with Lilyana Deyanova, her brother ѝ Alexander and her partner тин Martin Dimitrov. Prosecutors have announced that five have been detained. The other two people were detained for a few hours and released on bail of 5,000 BGN each. Alexander Deyanov’s guarantee is BGN 100,000. Obviously having a brother with his sister is a great pleasure. He himself is not involved in the case, except that he has been accused of participating in an OCG. These are the new and modern OCGs, in which, to justify jurisdiction in the Specialized Court and form such a group, they bring together a grandmother, a son-in-law and a mother-in-law, for example. Like Banev and Arabadzhiev, so did Liliana, her brother, and her partner. The other two are fancy I guess. Alexander Deyanov has his own company, participates in a European project and did the creative part: what the beatbox is all about. He is accused of involvement in organized crime and tax evasion, but he has none in 20 volumes in the case.

Sofia / Bulgaria
