Levski’s shares return to Dubai on Friday (Obzor)


The change of ownership in “Levski” did not take place, although an active event was carried out in various actions as in a movie script, for some comedies, for other dramas. But due to “Levski” there was action in the country. Vasil Bozhkov assumed the role of director of Dubai. Just before 8 a.m. on Wednesday, his company Nove Holding announced that the current majority owner of the football club transferred its 86.6% to the Prime Minister of Bulgaria Boyko Borissov. At 9 o’clock in the morning, the famous journalist Sasho Dikov assumed the role of a special messenger in the Cabinet, to deliver the actions to the Prime Minister. A day earlier, when Bozhkov’s company announced that the shares had already arrived from Dubai, Bozhkov called Dikov and asked if he would take the shares to Boyko Borissov.

“I took them from one

man before

15-20 min before

“S t. Alabama. Nevsky”

Yesterday afternoon, Mr. Bozhkov from Dubai called me and asked: “Would you mind handing over the shares to the new owner, Boyko Metodiev Borisov?” I accepted, “Dikov explained.

After half an hour of waiting in front of Sasho Dikov and a large number of other journalists, the head of the Council of Ministers press center, Sevdelina Arnaudova, and the Minister of Sports, Krasen Kralev, left. Arnaudova explained that Borisov is in a meeting with two girls who want to celebrate his graduation in the schoolyard, and nobody can enter it without a pre-arranged meeting. He also described all the action as humiliating.

Kralev explained that

the prime minister will not

how to accept

actions of which

any club


It is impossible

This is a frivolous attitude towards the destiny of a great club, said the Minister of Sports.

“And not by the government.” You all know very well that the prime minister cannot own shares, and this demonstrates the purpose of this company, “he added.

“I hope that the shares will transfer to the team’s supporters,” Kralev said.

Following the development of the film from a distance, Vasil Bozhkov sent a message to the special “messenger”: “At 9.41 I received a text message:” Sasho, if BB doesn’t want to leave them to “Levski” and will be fine later, He is not the biggest fan, “Dikov revealed.

Shortly before 12 o’clock he was already in Gerena to deliver the club’s shares to CEO Pavel Kolev.

I am here at will of this text by Vasil Bozhkov. I had no other contact with him. Yesterday (b.a. – Tuesday) I only had a conversation with Vasil Bozhkov. I haven’t talked to him anymore. I looked for it, but it didn’t pick me up. AND

another conversation

I have not had

I also see my previous text: “I am Sasho Dikov”. I wanted to interview him. I hadn’t heard it until yesterday. We talked for 3 minutes and that’s it, “Dikov said before heading to Levski’s office. And when he left, he said:” The fact that the shares have been handed over to the club does not change the fact that the owner is Boyko. Borisov, as is the will of the previous owner. “

But even though the shares backed on behalf of Boyko Borissov were raised in Gerena’s treasury, there is no change in ownership. And what was official on March 6, 2019 is still in force: Georgi Popov, Bozhkov’s right-hand man, is the majority owner and owns 86.6% of the shares.

From the official announcement by Vasil Bozhkov’s company with accompanying documents, it is clear that the endorsement of the Prime Minister was signed on May 8, the day Bozhkov announced in an interview with bTV from Dubai that he was ready to donate the shares to everyone. as long as “Levski” to be saved. This means that

Not bozhkov

I had none

intention of

give the actions

from Constantine


that Titi, or someone else, believed in.

But since the endorsement date, something else is being judged. After just one more day, on Friday May 15, the shares of “Levski” are returned to the guarantor Georgi Popov. This is the opinion of the famous lawyer Ivaylo Dermendzhiev.

The owner of the endorsement: In this case, Prime Minister Boyko Borissov has 7 days to enter the shareholders’ book from the date of the endorsement, which expires on May 15.

This is stated in art. 185, para. 4 of the Commercial Law.

Thus, figuratively speaking, tomorrow the majority stake backed in the shares of PFC Levski AD “returns to Dubai” to former owner Georgi Popov.

“In principle, the endorsement of shares is a unilateral declaration of intention, such as the issuance of a power of attorney,” said Dermendzhiev. – But according to the jurisprudence of the Supreme Court, the transfer of shares to a company is a causal transaction, and

causal transaction

can not be

carried out without


contract “,

Attorney Dermendzhiev explained.

“There was a hypothetical possibility for the prime minister to accept the shares, declare a conflict of interest, transfer them and then reapply for a conflict of interest again, but this is a very complicated option and it is not known how it will be interpreted. legally, “he added. Ivaylo Dermendzhiev.

According to the lawyers in the Levski case, even if there is a formal declaration of intention to transfer the shares of PFC Levski AD, it is invalid and has no legal effect, respectively Boyko Borisov is not the owner of the disputed shares. The logic is that PFC CEO Levski AD Pavel Kolev should immediately return the valuable books, which are currently on the Gerena cash register, to their true owner.

Pavel Kolev: As long as there is no entry in the shareholders book, there is no change of ownership

“Levski as a club with a 106-year history does not deserve what is happening to him right now, but this is something that is not up to us.” This was stated by “Levski” CEO Pavel Kolev, after receiving from Sasho Dikov the majority stake in the company, which Prime Minister Boyko Borisov refused to take.

When asked if he was surprised by Vasil Bozhkov’s decision to transfer the shares to Boyko Borisov instead of Titi Papazov, as announced by the Papazov himself, Kolev replied: “I was as surprised as I expected after the conversations I had with him “It would separate him from the actions in a way that allows the club to fight for its existence. Because right now we are tied and no matter what we do, we cannot take effective measures.”

When asked what measure he intended to take, Kolev replied, “Diplomacy.” He added: “I have an idea, but I’m not going to reveal it to him, because I don’t know if it can be done.”

When asked to comment on the words of Ognian Gerdjikov, who wrote the Commercial Law, that the club is owned by Boyko Borisov, Kolev said: “I cannot comment on that. I am not aware of what Mr Gerdjikov, who I have known for several years and who is quite competent in this matter, said. What I know from the company’s point of view is that as long as there is no entry in the shareholders’ book, there will be no change of ownership. “

Temporary certificates are stored in the club’s cash register, but the club itself cannot have them.

Kolev said he sought contact with Vasil Bozhkov after the events that started the morning after the decision was announced, went through the Cabinet and continued with Gerena, but that contact was not made.

The executive director announced that he and all major factors in “Levski” will not resign at this time, as he is expected to do as a moral act after the state of emergency and the change of ownership, but will continue to work to save the club. A detail of the landscape is that they do it without receiving wages.

Both I and the entire club administration, as well as sports and technical management, continue to carry out their duties, mainly because we do not block “Levski’s” work.

Titi: Mr. Bozhkov will probably suggest them below

While the drama with the distribution of Levski’s shares in Sofia turned on Wednesday, Konstantin Papazov, who was considered the main character in the acceptance of the shares earlier, did not even have a minor role, but was completely removed from the script. However, Titi announced that it has a plan for additional actions, part of which is again.

“If Mr. Bozhkov and Mr. Popov have good intentions, and I hope they are, they must take the next step.” Probably Mr. Bozhkov will offer them next, because this option has been rejected. The “blue” community can save “Levski”. I already have an idea and a strategy for this to happen, “Papazov said.

Fans: “Levski” shares will be acquired by the club.

The Blue Bulgaria Association, which owns 10% of Levski’s shares, announced that the only possible move in the current situation is for the club itself to acquire a majority stake. This move as a rescue option was pointed out by the head of the national fan club Stepan Hindlian.

In view of the upcoming “launch” of the shares of PFC Levski AD, the Board of Directors of the Blue Bulgaria Trust believes that the only correct move is for the shares in question to be acquired free of charge by the football club. Therefore, all participants in this humiliating process for Levski will demonstrate that they do not want the club to be a bargaining chip in political and economic disputes, “the trust said.

In such a scenario, Blue Bulgaria will offer the following steps:

Organize and present a format through which all decisions about the club’s future are made after the broad support of the Levski community;

To call a General Shareholders’ Meeting as soon as possible, in which the previous decisions will be adopted, as well as to elect a new supervisory board, “the association continued.

“This will allow the Levski community to become more active and determine the future of their favorite football club,” the trust said.

“There is a way out of the situation. Somehow, the shares must be acquired by the club and go to a General Meeting, where the shareholders decide on a new supervisory board and a new board of directors, who start looking for sponsors and advertisers. Then comes our role, the important role of the fans. This is the only moment right now. Otherwise, “Levski” will be cast, “said Stepan Hindlian, who made it clear that the national fan club is from the same opinion.

“It just caught our eye then. With those issuing BGN 19.14 money orders with the words ‘I can do so much.’ The day struck the hearts of everyone who loves ‘Levski,'” Hindlian said.

He interpreted the dispersion of actions in Sofia as a sign that Vasil Bozhkov does not have good intentions for the club and that “it is not important to him.”

“If Vasil Bozhkov had good intentions, the actions would go to Pavel Kolev or Titi Papazov. The endorsement is dated May 8, 5 days before. And what were we doing these days? Titi was the boss,” said the club boss. of national fans.

“You should wonder why Vasil Bozhkov acquired Levski’s shares and whether this was his momentary impulsive decision to help as it was presented to all of us.” After what happened to the shares, a different opinion was formed in people’s minds, “added Hindlian.

He reported that the great victory achieved through the Blue Bulgaria Trust for fans to have control over 10% of the shares, currently gives Levski a door to come out clean and new account. It is also a means of controlling majority owners, “Hindlian told bTV, emphasizing that after the sale of Thomas Lafchis’ shares to Michael Chorny, a series of gifts follows:” Chorni to Batkov, Batkov to Ivo Tonev, Tonev Spas Rusev, him for some players and so on. To get to the performance in which Vasil Bozhkov transfers them to the Prime Minister of the country ”.

Yovov and Borimirov owned Levski

Former “Levski” soccer player Hristo Yovov owned the soccer club for almost a month early last year. This was made clear from documents sent by Vasil Bozhkov’s “Nove Holding” company to the media, showing the movement of “Levski’s” shares.

Former owner of the “blues” Spas Rusev transferred the ownership to Yovov on January 28, 2019, and the jeweler, in turn, backed them to Vasil Bozhkov on February 20.

Before Bozhkov seized power at the club through his partner Georgi Popov, Hristo Yovov was rumored to be the owner of Levski. A few days ago, in his interview with a declared willingness to hand over the club’s shares, Vasil Bozhkov announced that one of the options is to return the shares “to where he took them,” which is adorned with promises to speak later if someone does. did. Taking over the club can be reflected in current events.

In fact, according to documents made official by Bozhkov’s company, it is clear that Yovov and another iconic blues football player, Daniel Borimirov, had something in common with the property. And in the past 5 years, according to documentation, PFC Levski AD has had nine different members.

In 2015 Todor Batkov transferred the club’s shares to Alexander Angelov and Nikolay Ivanov, who in 2016 handed them over to Spac Rucev. In 2017 Rutsev transferred part of the securities to Stoyan Krastev, and in January 2019 the remaining part went to Yovov and Borimirov. In late February 2019, Kratev, Yovov and Borimirov left the shares in the hands of Vasil Bozhkov, who transferred them to Georgi Popov.
