Levski’s NAC’s Dimitar Kostadinov: The leadership is turning the fans against us


Representatives of Levski’s NAC gave an official press conference, where they presented their position on his complex relationship with the leadership of the “blue” club. Levski NAC Board of Directors member Dimitar Kostadinov continued the theme of Levski’s last press conference, which touched on a number of organization-related topics.

Levski's NAC came out with an official position

Levski’s NAC came out with an official position

See it here

“The subject is not pleasant for any Levski player. These are conflicts and misunderstandings in public space, which have been around for a long time. Our names are constantly involved in intrigue.. The reason for this event is related to the last press conference held by Levski on August 26 this year. A group of opportunists and renegades, using the fundamental name “Ultras Levski”, based on the words spoken at Levski’s press conference, mostly by Pavel Kolev, immediately dismissed the public. space another scandal with manipulations in our direction. This forced us to present the whole truth, in black and white, as it is.

The young man was also picked up by Todor Batkov: You are planting a disgusting intrigue!

The young man was also picked up by Todor Batkov: You are planting a disgusting intrigue!

“In your Marxist-Stalinist style”

We have posted quite a long list on the official NAC website, everyone can get acquainted with it. Many events and facts are listed, supported by documents, invoices and contracts. The text is too long, so let’s not read it together, because it will take a long time. I have allowed myself to draw a few accents that I will focus on.

Ilian Stoyanov: wanted to plant a bomb in Levski's offices

Ilian Stoyanov: wanted to plant a bomb in Levski’s offices

“I think things will happen, but it will take time.”

I wonder why they are attacking us. Maybe it has something to do with the ideology of some people. They profess the utopian idea that everything should be done voluntarily, free of charge, there should be no financial relationship. Our ideology is very simple: we believe that Levski belongs to the Levski players. Whenever they believe that someone has a duty to provide entertainment.. There is nothing wrong with that, it is great, but for us it is more important than Levski is much more than a show.

Photo 495212

These are people who have been expelled or fled from the so-called fractions. I do not want to go into this topic, because the objective is not the confrontation. These are people who engage in illegal and immoral activities. They were removed from our organizations and joined the so-called “Ultras Levski”. In our opinion, it is unproductive for the people working to solve the club’s deep financial and economic problems and semi-literate people.

I am not saying that leadership is attacking us. We say the management made false statementswhich resulted in the group of people in question attacking us again. We believe that such enmity is harmful and unproductive and should not be instigated. In our opinion, the words at the club’s last press conference served as the basis and it happened instantly. Immediately after the press conference, these writings came out, which are false, provocative and manipulative. This affects disorganized Levski players. It is important for us to clear our names, as far as possible.

“Ultras Levski”: The battle for the club continues, despite the ticks and schemers!

Fans with direction

I assert that Mr. Kolev fuels these manipulative accusations. I can’t say it’s intentional, but I hope it’s not. When we sit down, we talk about it for more than 3-4 hours. When things are treated this way in the club’s management structure, it cannot happen. The club allows certain groups to insult us, to turn the disorganized Levski players against us. “
