Leading Scientist Predicts Pandemic in 2017, Warns of Unprecedented Growth in Infection – Diseases


An unprecedented scenario in the development of the COVID-19 pandemic was predicted by epidemiologist Michael T. Osterholm, who predicted it in his work in 2017. According to him, people should realize that in the coming weeks infections by COVID-19 will increase. significantly, Darik reports.

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The COVID-19 pandemic has infected more than 96 million people worldwide and killed more than two million patients, weakening health systems. It has caused a serious economic crisis in many countries.

However, Michael T. Osterholm, one of the world’s leading experts in epidemiology, warns that the worst is yet to come. In an interview with CNN, Joe Biden’s advisorJoe bidenJoe Biden (Joseph Robin Biden) is an American politician. Joe Biden was born on November 20, 1942 On the issues of COVID-19, he explained that in the coming weeks the pandemic may change and we will see something unprecedented with the spread of new variants of the virus that have appeared in the United Kingdom, Brazil and South Africa. This will significantly increase infections.

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“I am extremely concerned that in the next 6 to 12 weeks we will see a situation like this with this pandemic, unlike anything we have seen so far,” Osterholm said.

When asked if the Biden administration could do anything to prevent such possible deterioration, Osterholm said one of the main problems was that “most people still don’t realize” what exactly is to come. For this reason, he pointed out that the first step is “to make people understand that this is going to happen, that we will see a significant increase in cases.” The question is how much.

After sensitizing public opinion, the second step, according to the expert, is to apply more restrictions. Despite President Biden’s intention to accelerate vaccination in the United States and administer 100 million doses of vaccine during his first 100 days in office, the epidemiologist said “we cannot get the vaccine to arrive much faster.” Therefore, it recommended that more measures be implemented as soon as possible.

“It will make a difference if we react now or later,” he warned.

The pessimistic words of Michael T. Osterholm, recognized throughout the world, are widely echoed by his deep knowledge of the subject. They are given great importance because in 2017 he predicted the coronavirus pandemic in his book “The Deadly Threat”. In addition to COVID-19, the epidemiologist has long warned that new outbreaks of disease infections will emerge and points to a new flu virus that could cause another global pandemic. In his opinion, it can be as devastating as the so-called “Spanish Flu”, which broke out in 1918 and 1919, causing between 50 and 100 million deaths worldwide.

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Coronavirus epidemic (COVID-19)

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