Kunchev: We can survive for a long time with 500 infected people a day


“For a long time we can withstand 500 new infections a day. We still have a large reserve, but that does not mean that there are no areas in critical condition. Now 14-15% of the hospital beds provided for people infected with coronavirus are occupied “. limiting people from the highest risk groups. “This was declared in the air of” Hello, Bulgaria “by the Head of Health Inspection of the Associate State Prof. Angel Kunchev.

There were three scenarios to limit the elderly.

“The softer option would be to introduce hours in which they can go out. The second would be that they do it only at a certain distance from their house. The third, which is unlikely, is their complete isolation,” he added. .

Kunchev also said that all measures to prevent the spread of the infection in our country are on the table. It was clear that if other countries introduce strict measures, this could also happen in Bulgaria.

“For any disease like COVID-19, stricter measures are needed from the outset. I think that imposing new restrictions is not as important as complying with existing ones,” he said.

Third consecutive day with a record of infected in our country

Kunchev added that an increase in morbidity is observed across Europe. He stressed that about 20% of positives in Bulgaria need medical care and about 5% intensive care.

Once again, the health inspector stressed that the most important thing is personal self-awareness. “If we don’t take care of ourselves and make efforts to protect ourselves, no measure will help us,” he said.

Associate Professor Angel Kunchev explained that a person was infected with the scoronavirus two days before the onset of symptoms and five days after. To become infected, there had to be an accumulation of a certain amount of virus.

He also revealed details of the combined news tests, which will be faster and cheaper. Its price will be 20-25 BGN, with them in 20 minutes it will be possible to determine if you are sick with the flu or COVID-19. This test cannot be done in a laboratory, but in your GP’s office.

Kunchev explained that we will receive 2,500 vials of Remdesivir across the EU, and about 3,000 vials have already been distributed and all hospitals have them. “One vial of Remdesivir costs BGN 700 and 5-10 vials are used to treat one patient,” Kunchev explained.

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