Kristalina Georgieva: The IMF’s assessment of Bulgaria is the best possible


The Director of the International Monetary Fund Kristalina Georgieva STAFF: BNT

“The IMF assessment of Bulgaria is the best possible. Bulgaria does not need our financial support, it is stable.” This was stated by the director of the International Monetary Fund, Kristalina Georgieva, in an interview with BNT.

We remind you that is among the 100 most influential people in the world for 2020 in the ranking of the American magazine “Time” along with Trump, Merkel and Ursula von der Leyen.

“We are in a crisis the world has never experienced. It brings with it uncertainty, we still face the challenge of the economy recovering to pre-crisis levels, and this is unlikely to happen before 2021,” he warned.

According to her, in the context of the current health crisis, measures to support the economy and the people should continue. “The fact that we are in the waiting room of the eurozone helps a lot. This means that Bulgaria has additional protection, and in the conditions of this crisis this is useful,” he added.

“The IMF is the only organization in the world that keeps the pulse of the world economy as a whole. We do a quick assessment of the policies that are needed at any given time. We have created a new tool to assess measures in individual countries and help them learn on the other hand, ”explained Kristalina Georgieva, adding that the Fund is Fr.the issue of increasing inequality in the world is taken very seriously.
