Kim had heart surgery in April


North Korean leader Kim Jong Un had undergone heart surgery before this month, according to a South Korean media news release amid speculation about Kim’s health after his absence from a key anniversary event.

North Korea celebrated the birthday of its founder and grandfather Kim Kim Il Sung as a national holiday on April 15, but Kim attended.

The South Korean Association Ministry dealing with inter-Korean affairs, The comment on the messages was rejected.

Some sources in the Seoul government have dismissed these claims as speculation.

Kim’s health has gotten worse in the past few months due to smoking, obesity and fatigue.

Kim Jong-un has appointed his sister for a senior position in the match

Kim Jong-un has appointed his sister for a senior position in the match

Changes in the ruling party

The operation was probably carried out on April 12 and the leader is still recovering.

Pyongyang fired many rockets with a short range last week, which Seoul officials said was also part of Kim Il-sung’s birthday. Such military events are generally observed by Kim.

We recall that before it became clear that Kim Jong-un has named his younger sister Kim Yo-cheng, in a high-ranking position in Korea’s ruling Labor Party, was quoted by state media.

Kim Yo-cheng, who is believed to be 32 years old, has become a major figure in the North Korean regime and a close adviser to his brother in recent years.

The United States is verifying that Kim’s operating information is correct.
