Kaloyan Kukov died at the age of 38.



Psychiatrist Dr. Kaloyan Kukov died at the age of 38. The sad news appeared on the Facebook profile of the Department of Psychiatry at Sofia Medical University.

“This morning, our colleague, Dr. Kaloyan Kukov, Ph.D., Ph.D. God rest his soul!” He died, “says the message.

The cause of death of the young specialist is not yet specified. Dr. Kaloyan Pavlov Kukov is an assistant clinical psychologist. He acquired the medical specialty in Clinical Psychology in 2012. He championed a dissertation on “Clinical and psychological aspects of dysfunctional beliefs and coping strategies in patients with paranoid schizophrenia” and was awarded the ONS “Doctor” award in 2012.

He obtained the degree of “Doctor of Science” with a dissertation on “Neurocognition and HIV” in 2017. He worked in various medical institutions such as SPB “Asunción” – Karlukovo station, “St. Marina” University Hospital – Varna, currently working at the University Hospital “Alexandrovska” City of Sofia. He has two monographs, participation in two textbooks, as well as five manuals in the field of psychometry and clinical psychodiagnosis.
