Kali with a cult commentary on Gen. Mutafchiiski – ᐉ Curious • news about lifestyle, diet, health and fashion


Kali will find it difficult to save her comment, especially if the issue affects the whole of society, as in the case of the COVID-19 pandemic. It is known that the pop-folk diva likes to philosophize about various issues in life, and this time the center, of course, were the closed bars at the expense of open gyms. His words about a gene also attracted attention. Mutafchiiski.

The brunette, who has not been involved for months and at least for now it seems unlikely that it is due to anti-epidemic measures related to the pandemic, was always direct.

“For me, we have to do what they do in Europe. Everything is closed there,” he commented in a recent interview and did not stop expressing outrage at the failure to comply with the measures in Bulgaria. “I can still see some people hiding their faces with scarves, helmets, although there is a new order. There are people who do not even believe in COVID-19.”

“I also have loans. But I have set aside money for rainy days. I am prepared for everything. The fact is that a lot of money is being made in my field. So I don’t think we should complain all the time.” added the pop-folk singer.

Regarding money, or rather the lack of it at the moment due to lack of work, Kali states the following: “And when I was younger, I spent until I wasted. But wait. Then things change. “You start to start a family, you have children. And you start to think differently.” Not to be missed is the situation with angry restaurants and restaurateurs threatening to open despite the ban.

“We do not understand a word. I thank General Mutafchiiski and Health Minister Kostadin Angelov,” Kali said.

