K-19 mortality in Europe will increase 5 times, people will be locked in their homes and …


The World Health Organization says that soon the number of coronavirus deaths in Europe may increase by 5 times compared to April this year.

According to Hans Kluge, WHO director for the European region, the number of diseases is increasing rapidly today, while the number of deaths, on the contrary, has decreased. This trend is due to massive testing of young people who are carriers of the disease but do not show symptoms.

However, the situation may change drastically soon. People will be locked in their homes, mortality will increase 4 to 5 times.

Estimates based on epidemiological models are far from optimistic. Implementation is expected around January. When everything will be restored is very difficult to say.

The WHO recommends, depending on the current situation, not to hesitate with the strict quarantine. It must be introduced in almost all European countries. This is the only way to deal with a pandemic that will not go away on its own. Routine precautions, including the use of masks and hand washing, could save 281,000 lives in 53 countries.

The worst is yet to come. The new wave of the pandemic will last at least until spring and people are aware of it. In this way, Americans have already begun to stock up on food and basic necessities. The vaccines are expected to be released closer to summer, which is now ten. Everyone hopes that in 2022 people will be able to have a full life again. 2021 will be a turning point: the subsequent development of the events will depend on the organization of mass vaccination by the authorities.

Translation: BLIC
