Joseph Sayer, Gays and the Channel of Hypocrisy | News from Bulgaria and the world



A single word is enough to diagnose not only former Hungarian MEP Josef Sayer, but also his mentor and first teacher Viktor Orban, and a whole galaxy of other populist politicians, who generally like to show off. in costumes of conservatives, traditionalists and patriots.

Sayer has been living in a marriage (hopefully happy) with his wife Tunde for 37 years, they have a daughter, Fanny, and the honorable deputy is also the author of an article entitled “The opium of global utopianism and its antidotes”. In the middle of a gay party in Brussels, the police found in their backpack not the antidotes to globalism, but very real drugs, global drugs that came from Colombia, from Morocco, from neighboring Holland.

The involvement of the politician in question, who in his native Hungary did his best to break up LGBT people and wrap so-called “traditional values” in a political cocoon, is quite real. : With what eyes will Mr. Sayer explain to Tyunde and Fanny his hands soaked with blood, how he will continue to defend “traditional values” in front of his Hungarian voters?

Hypocrisy, dear readers, that is what we are talking about here.

Victor Orbán, Sayer’s boss, found himself in the same position when he had to sweat in front of reporters from Germany’s Die Zeit last week, explaining his thunderous and deeply false attacks on George Soros, the man who once studied him in universities and gave him a good job at his Open Society Foundation. This same Orban, along with his host Kaczynski, worshiped the Virgin at a religious service in Warsaw, while his protégé crawled along the gutter of hated Brussels.

Hypocrisy that takes your breath away.

But what to wonder and gasp? Hypocrisy is the only tool with which modern Pharisees (populists, traditionalists, and pishman-conservatives) manage to steal large masses of voters by the nose. They know very well that society is changing, that homosexuals have the right to equality, that the EU is the happiest post-war project in Europe, and without the money from generous Brussels funding, their voters will be overwhelmed and unemployed. .

And yet activists like Orban, Kaczynski and Le Pen, parties like Germany’s Alternative for Germany or Bulgarian Patriots are verbally crushing the EU, globalization, gays, liberals, Soros, Bill Gates and anyone else who is happens to you. They understand well where the world is going and what “real politics” is, but they also know that malice, envy, complexes and aggression lurk in the guts of their electorate. And instead of serving the real interests of these voters, they serve their prejudices.

Hypocrisy, dear jurors.

And it wouldn’t occur to me to judge a politician for being gay. I would not even condemn you for using drugs, although I am aware that drugs are harmful to health and should not be promoted in public. Most politicians live tough lives: this is the price they pay for being the center of attention, for the intoxication of power, for their good salaries. If they work in the interest of their constituents, but also in the common good, I do not care at all about their personal lives. But when they “preach water and drink wine,” as the saying goes, they lose all credit. And a politician without confidence is like a naked man in a Brussels sewer: defenseless, unhappy, a failure, and with bloody hands.

There is a simple cure for the pandemic of the digital world, the fake news that floods our social networks, and a series of pseudo-media: consult the sources and verify the facts. Against the old (and very similar) disease of politics – hypocrisy – the recipe is also similar: if you see that he is lying to you, do not vote again.

Deutsche says
