Ivan Krastev: The pandemic marks the true beginning of the 21st century


“Before, we lived in a way that we thought was fixed, whether it was correct or not. And suddenly we realized how fragile this order is.”

This was stated by the political scientist Ivan Krastev to Deutsche Welle.

“Before, we thought, for example, that traveling wherever you wanted was the most natural thing to do. But that opportunity has disappeared from today to tomorrow. Lately it is fashionable to compare a pandemic to a war.

But on the way from Vienna to Sofia, I suddenly realized that the pandemic was the exact opposite of war. During war, large masses gather at stations and airports, people are constantly on the move trying to escape danger. And during the current pandemic, stations and airports are the loneliest places in the world. It is this paralyzed world that represents one of the greatest changes, “Krastev said.

“Look, the Eastern Europeans of my generation constantly talk about freedom and its meaning. The feeling of freedom is a very physical thing. For my generation, just crossing the border was the most physical feeling of freedom you can experience. Being rethought.

The moment people were locked in their homes, we realized with crystal clarity that we were living in a common world, because suddenly everyone began to discuss the same topic, all over the world, in every possible language. This universal connection is actually quite literal, because for me a friend on the other side of the street today turns out to be as close as another friend on the other side of the world: when you can’t leave home, both are equally close or far away.

Also, we suddenly become interested in things that we might otherwise have overlooked. In other words, when people were locked in their homes, they suddenly opened up to the whole world because they realized how interconnected we all are, “added Ivan Krastev.

As for Europe, there is something more interesting here. I participated in a large-scale study conducted by the European Council on Foreign Relations, even before the Recovery Plan was adopted. At the time, many said they were disappointed with the EU’s first response to the pandemic. The Spanish and Italians were particularly saddened, but as a result of the crisis, people came to one main conclusion: that we need more European consolidation. The paradox is that people want more Europe, although they are not satisfied with the first European reaction to The crisis was due to the fact that they suddenly saw the world with completely new eyes and, as an impetus for further European integration, it was a breakthrough. radical.

However, a big problem occurred

which for me illustrates a very interesting psychological aspect of the crisis. After the first blockade came summer and, with it, the hope that it was all over. Despite warnings from scientists that this is not the case. Then came the second blockade and it was suddenly clear (or at least I did in Austria and Bulgaria) that people did not want to implement some of the government’s decisions. People were really exhausted and thought that the reaction of the authorities was exaggerated. And now, when it comes to vaccines and immunizations, the growing mistrust that I see in society is starting to get really harmful, “said the political scientist.

“In my country, I come across all kinds of conspiracy theories and all kinds of mistrust towards the scientific community and the government. At the beginning of the crisis, I not only expected, but also expected that the trust in the experts would increase significantly, because when it comes to their own health, the health of family and friends, people are willing to trust doctors and experts much more than when it comes to foreign policy, for example. In countries like Germany, most generally follow the recommendations.Other countries, and not just Eastern Europe (look what’s happening in France!), mistrust in any expert assessment is so high that some people are now ready to believe in

the craziest conspiracy theories

Yes, because trust is very important for a democracy. I have lived for many years in a country where it was not always good to trust the government. Not trusting the government is actually very important. But that mistrust must be based on a certain type of argument and a certain type of validation, so people have the right to mistrust.

So the growing mistrust now worries me seriously, because people are suspicious of the authorities and play with fears, but in reality they themselves do not offer any alternative. For example, resistance to immunization: this mistrust literally paralyzes all collective actions ”, Ivan Krastev is categorical.

“In my opinion, populism draws its strength not from fears, but from vague anxieties and worries. This is a very diffuse sentiment, so people intuitively look for someone to talk to about these worries and anxieties. But when it erupted the coronavirus pandemic, people have started looking for politicians who can take responsibility and solve problems, and in that sense the populists offer absolutely nothing, and many of these populists, who pretend to be in control of the situation, are not happy with the current crisis. Because such crises require a different kind of politicians, politicians who can cooperate with society. Liberal democracies will face very serious challenges in 2021. For various reasons. First, it is obvious that

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from Europe and the United States. As a result, its economic power is maintained. This is true not only for China, but also for countries like South Korea and Taiwan. In other words, it is not so much about the differences between political systems, but about the differences between continents. Second, vaccines. How will they work and how will people be convinced to do something that is in the common interest?

In China, for example, it has been ordered that if you are not vaccinated, you are not allowed to use public transport. In a liberal democracy, however, things are much more complicated, ”said the analyst.

In my opinion, the most important thing is that all of Europe comes out of the crisis already in 2021 and recovers a certain level of normality. In particular: rebuilding its economy, opening its borders and moving to a post-pandemic mode of existence.

I believe that how the EU will find its place in the world in 2021 is also critical. In this sense, relations with the United States and China will be of the utmost importance. In my opinion, the pandemic actually marks the true beginning of the 21st century, “added Ivan Krastev.
