Itzo Hazarta for Angelov: It is always a shame to see the downfall of an intelligent person – ᐉ Bulgarian News • latest news and current information


It is always a shame to see the downfall of an intelligent person. I look at the Minister of Health Kostadin Angelov and listen to what he says. “Restaurants and restaurants are not our priority!”
I agree. Your priority is Jumbo, Billa and friends. I suspect they are paying you well for the French love you’ve been serving them for months.

The shopping centers did not work. You walk into the mall and … oh, surprise! Mobile operators, insurance companies, large chains, everything works. There is no coronavirus there. Normal people’s stores are closed, where they try to make money without stealing from public procurement.

I want to remind people of something that I do not hear from any ruler.
An establishment is prohibited from working so that EVERYONE in the country can be healthy, not just the owner, staff and customers. That is why it is good that EVERYONE does not forget it.

Restaurant, bar and gym owners, along with their staff (staff, bartenders, bartenders, security guards, hygienists, as well as entertainers (it’s not a coincidence that I put them last), are actually the people who carry the coronavirus crisis on their backs. – so that EVERYONE can be healthy, not just themselves. In addition to the hard work of doctors, we conveniently keep it to ourselves. Besides the fact that while some are prohibited from working, others have their salary increased.

I allow myself to write these lines for the following reason: I am a relatively successful Bulgarian artist, I have no financial problems and I do not expect help from the state. I probably would have missed the comment “restaurants and bars are not our priority” if it had come from someone with Valeri Simeonov’s upbringing. However, the attitude, and especially the tone with which the government addresses normal people and business, is in my opinion a spit in the face of all Bulgarians.

Itzo hazarta

