It became clear how much the yellow cobblestones cost


An inspection was carried out, numerous damages were found, the most serious being the situation with the yellow cobblestones, which were removed from their original places and probably thrown to the police. As well as being culturally old and difficult to maintain, they can cause injury and death if thrown one person at a time, Sofia’s Deputy Mayor Todor Chobanov told Nova TV.

He announced that the Municipality of Sofia has a warehouse of 350 square meters of yellow cobblestones.

The municipality is negotiating to purchase the technology for the production of cobblestones from the factory in Budapest, the successor to the original, which produced the cobblestones at the time, Chobanov said.

The deputy mayor of the capital assured that the square in front of the BNB will be thoroughly cleaned and it is most likely that jets of water will be used for this purpose. “The price of the pavers from the original European plant is BGN 700 per square meter. That is why we are trying to restore and preserve our pavers,” commented associate professor Todor Chobanov.

Sofia, Bulgaria
