Issue! Doctor admitted to hospital after vaccination against coronavirus – 【World News】 • current information, topics and news


A Mexican doctor entered the intensive care unit after being vaccinated against the coronavirus by the US company Pfizer and the German company Biontech, reported the Mexican Ministry of Health, cited by TASS.

The 32-year-old doctor who received the vaccine was hospitalized in the intensive care unit after she developed a skin rash, seizures, muscle weakness and shortness of breath 30 minutes after receiving the vaccine, according to the statement. .

The woman’s condition is considered stable and she has a preliminary diagnosis of “encephalomyelitis.”

The Ministry of Health has begun to investigate the case to find out the cause of the doctor’s condition. According to the department, the medical worker was previously diagnosed with an allergy to trimethoprim.

Vaccination of medical personnel in Mexico began on December 24, after the Pfizer and Biontech vaccine was urgently approved by the Mexican Federal Commission for Protection against Sanitary Risks.

