Israel vaccinated 1 million people in 2 weeks. Bulgaria 4739


Israel has vaccinated one million people in less than two weeks since the start of immunization against KOVID-19, BTA reported. The millionth vaccination took place today in Umm al-Pham, a city with a predominantly Arab population in the northern part of the country.

Israel has already injected the first doses of the vaccine into more than 10 percent of its population, Health Minister Juli-Joel Edelstein said, and more than 40 percent of people over 60 received the first dose of Pfizer. and Biontech “.

The goal is to vaccinate 5.5 million people in the country of 9.3 million. At the current rate of immunization, this goal will be reached by the end of January.
According to data from the Unified Information Portal of Bulgaria, during the first two weeks 4,739 people have been vaccinated and immunized against COVID-19 so far in Bulgaria. On the last day, 131 received the vaccine. Bulgaria has not officially announced what the goal is, as clarifies the number of its vaccinated citizens.

The capacity of the vaccination shop installed in front of the Sofia Regional Sanitary Inspection is 84 people per day. Plans are to immunize 78,375 people by the end of March.
