Is a new blockade looming, as claimed? Prime Minister Borissov responded – Politics


Bulgaria expects 230,000 doses of the COVID-19 vaccine by the end of this week and 700,000 doses by the end of April. Sufficient amounts of remdesivir are provided for the treatment of the coronavirus, and the health system has all the drugs, disinfectants and oxygen necessary to treat patients with the new virus. This was reported in a working meeting with Prime Minister Boyko Borissov, which was attended by Health Minister Kostadin Angelov and representatives from the National Operational Headquarters.

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“The state is prepared for this wave of coronavirus. That is why we first vaccinated doctors and doctors to have an army that could get up and heal. All the necessary medicines have been provided, because for us the most important thing is health. and the tranquility of the patients, “Prime Minister Boyko Borissov said during the meeting. The prime minister has denied false news about a state of emergency and new restrictions in the country.

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We have kept our commitment and provided the necessary funding to tackle the coronavirus in May. The next government and parliament will decide how to continue financing the system in the future. This is democracy, the Prime Minister was categorical and added that everything necessary for the parliamentary elections has been done.

Borissov also noted that more than 10,000 vials of Remdesivir are expected by the end of the week, and the government has provided BGN 80 million in funding for the drug. The Prime Minister emphasized that the funds have been provided for the additional salaries of all employees on the front line in the battle with COVID-19.

During the working meeting, Health Minister Kostadin Angelov informed the Prime Minister that the number of patients in medical institutions is higher than the previous wave, but the system still survives, thanks to preliminary preparation and additional quantities of breathing apparatus, oxygen . concentrators and oxygen systems in hospitals.

We are not concerned about the increasing demand for hospital care for patients, Angelov added.

The Minister of Health pointed out that at the national level it is necessary to conclude from the practice that many young people suffering from COVID-19, at the same time, seek hospital care late. As for vaccination, Angelov reported that the doses given yesterday were 2,355, the total number of people vaccinated so far is 436,513, and by the end of this week the figure is expected to reach half a million.

“Today we receive 31,590 doses of Pfizer, from April 5 to the end of the month, in 7 days we will regularly receive 62,010 doses of Pfizer. Tomorrow we will receive 51,600 doses of Moderna, added Angelov. As for AstraZeneca, the minister added that 151,200 are expected. dose for Wednesday.

The number of vaccines for this week exceeds 200,000 doses. An organization has been created, Angelov noted.

Half of the vaccines we receive go to family doctors

The director of the CSMP – Sofia Georgi Gelev reported that last night there were 320 calls, 67 of which were for COVID-19 and in 25 cases hospitalization was required. Yesterday there were a total of about 500 calls, of which 110 corresponded to COVID-19, and in 35 cases hospitalization was required. Gelev also noted that compared to November, the number of calls has dropped slightly today.

The chief state health inspector, Angel Kunchev, pointed out that Bulgaria is far from the values ​​reported in other countries such as Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Estonia or Hungary.

There is growth everywhere, most countries are tightening measures, Kunchev noted. According to him, if current values ​​are maintained in our country, an extraordinary wave will not be reached, which will bring the health system to its knees.

“The hospitals continue to function well and open new beds, even in the Academy of Military Medicine this morning another clinic has been transformed into a COVID clinic so that we can attend to all the cases that come,” said the president of NOCHE and head of the Ventsislav Mutafchiiski Academy Military Medical Center. He announced that a “green corridor” for vaccination has been announced at the Military Medical Academy and that the hospital currently has sufficient quantities for those who wish to be immunized.

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The director of “Pirogov” Prof. Asen Baltov reports that as of today another 36 beds are being opened in medical establishments and all of them are equipped with oxygen.

We have arranged all resuscitations, if additional resuscitation beds need to be opened, added Baltov. According to him, the employees of the medical institution are motivated to help patients as much as possible. The director of Pirogov also confirmed that the additional remuneration of BGN 1,000 has been provided for the month of April for frontline employees.

“The total amount of vaccines for Bulgaria, which we expect in April, is almost 700,000 doses. By the end of this week we will receive more than 230,000 doses of the vaccines approved so far, as well as about 10,000 vials of Remdesivir,” he reported. the executive director of the Executive Agency for Medicines Bogdan Kirilov.

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He specified that for next month we have confirmation of almost 250,000 doses of the Pfizer / Biontech vaccine, 90,000 doses of Moderna, 300,000 doses of AstraZeneca, and after mid-April we expect about 40,000 doses of the latest vaccine approved by the European Union. Medicines Agency – “Jansen”.

All on the subject:

Coronavirus epidemic (COVID-19)

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