Intellectuals backed the protest against the government in an open letter


After numerous calls to intellectuals to take a position on the political discussions and protests in the country, after contradictory messages and words interpreted differently from some of our outstanding artists, today 123 prominent representatives of thought, creativity and science came out. with an open letter stating their position.

The letter calls for the resignations of Prime Minister Boyko Borissov and his government, Attorney General Ivan Geshev, BNT Director General Emil Koshlukov, Chairman of the National Assembly Committee on Culture, Vezhdi Rashidov, and Speaker of the National Assembly , Tsveta Karayancheva.

The signatories explicitly emphasize that they support citizens who protest freely, not political formations.

Their demands are fundamental and related to the realities of Bulgarian political and public life, freedom of expression and the media, the need to reject vicious models of government, fight against corruption, environmental, educational and social problems. Health.

The open letter was signed by people who have demonstrated their public commitment over the years: writers, journalists, actors, directors, scientists …

The full text of the open letter (the signatures are placed in alphabetical order):

Mr. Boyko Borisov
Prime Minister of the Republic of Bulgaria

Ms. Tsveta Karayancheva
President of the National Assembly

Mr. Vezhdi Rashidov
President of the Culture and Media Commission of the National Assembly

Mr. Ivan Geshev
Chief Prosecutor of the Republic of Bulgaria

Mr. Emil Koshlukov
BNT General Manager

Open letter

We, the undersigned, by freely supporting protesting citizens and not through certain political formations, oppose:

● the Borisov-Dogan-Peevski model and related corruption, which led to the looting of valuable public resources and a serious crisis of public confidence;

● Numerous corruption scandals involving senior government officials have led respected world media to describe our country as a “mafia state”;

● behind-the-scenes manipulation of access to European funds by trampling the competitive start;

● the mockery of parliamentarism for years, which made the National Assembly an appendage to the Prime Minister;

● the distracting initiative to convene the Supreme National Assembly and play with the issue of the Constitution to buy time and manipulate public opinion;

● urgent changes in the electoral code at the end of the period as an indication of control over the next vote;

● refused to reform the prosecutor’s office despite civil will and international pressure in solidarity with it;

● the use of the prosecution as a means of arbitrary self-conflict between the government and its opponents;

● attempts to conquer the court and place the judiciary in complete dependence;

● double standards and ostentatious operations instead of systematic and effective actions in the fight against corruption;

● Police arbitrariness against citizens and journalists protesting peacefully and the lack of an impartial investigation into the excesses of the protests of September 2, 2020;

● the manipulative disclosure of the facts about the protest against the government, which has lasted for more than 80 days;

● the deterioration of the media environment in Bulgaria, which led to a bottom in the EC in terms of “freedom of expression” and the permanent retention of Bulgaria for the third year in a row in 111th place in the world in the “Reporters Without Borders” ranking. ;

● the lack of effective reform in the health system;

● ineffective actions to improve the education system in the presence of a catastrophic decline in functional literacy of Bulgarian students, which gives us last place in the EU and on this criterion;

● the reckless looting of public natural resources: forests, waters, beaches, biodiversity, reserves;

● the concreting of the Black Sea coast and myopic policy in the field of tourism;

● the destruction of the authenticity of the Bulgarian cultural heritage through the “completion” of false historical “monuments” to absorb European funds at the expense of the decline of real cultural values ​​and the degradation of historical centers;

● the unbalanced state policy in the field of culture, which favors kitsch and mediocrity at all levels to the detriment of deep creative pursuits.

We demand the immediate resignation of Prime Minister Boyko Borissov and the government he leads, Attorney General Ivan Geshev, BNT Director General Emil Koshlukov, Chairman of the National Assembly Committee on Culture, Vezhdi Rashidov, and President of the Assembly National, Tsveta Karayancheva.

Signed by:

1. Albena Koleva, actress
2. Alexandrina Pendachanska, opera singer
3. Alexander Alexiev, actor
4. Alexander Morfov, director
5. Alexander Stanishev, cameraman, photographer
6. Adjunct Professor Alexander Hristov, Lecturer
7. Angel Dyulgerov, musician, composer
8. Angel Igov, writer, translator, teacher
9. Andrey Getov, director
10. Andrei Paunov, director
11. Adjunct Professor Antoaneta Doncheva, Cultural Historian
12. Antoaneta Koleva, editor and translator
13. Assen Assenov, cultural manager
14. Boryana Puncheva, director
15. Valentin Ganev, actor
16. Valery Yordanov, actor, director
17. Associate Professor Vasil Georgiev, writer
18. Vasil Vasilev-Zueka, actor
19. Vasil Germanov, photographer
20. Vasil Gyurov, musician
21. Vasil Zhivkov, director
22. Veselina Sedlarska, journalist
23. Vladimir Andreev, producer
24. Vladimir Todorov, animator
25. Vladimir Yavashev, producer
26. Vladislav Petrov, actor, artist
27. Galin Stoev, director
28. Georgi Gospodinov, writer
29. Georgi Ivanov, screenwriter
30. Prof. Georgi Kapriev, philosopher
31. Georgy Petrov, chorus
32. Gergana Dimitrova, director
33. Gergana Dimitrova, editorial
34. Damyan Damyanov, artist
35. Darina Takova, opera singer
36. Deyan Donkov, actor
37. Deyan Enev, writer
38. Dimana Yordanova, writer
39. Dimitar Kenarov, journalist
40. Dimitar Kotsev-Shosho, director
41. Dimitar Karnev, musician, composer
42. Dossier Dosev, actor
43. Dragomir Sholev, director
44. Eva Ventova, set designer
45. Eva Tepavicharova, actress
46. ​​Elena Telbis, actress
47. Elena Krasteva, illustrator
48. Emil Emilov, actor
49. Zahari Karabashliev, writer
50. Zlatin Radev, director
51. Zlatko Angelov, writer
52. Zornitsa Hristova, translator
53. Ivaylo Petrov, photographer, visual artist
54. Prof. Ivan Dobchev, director
55. Ivan Landzhev, poet
56. Ivan Panteleev, director
57. Ivelin Ivanov, producer
58. Iglika Trifonova, director
59. Iliya Troyanov, writer
60. Ina Kancheva, opera singer
61. Yordan Zhechev, Creative Director
62. Yordan Likov, architect
63. Irini Jambonas, actress
64. Prof. Kalin Yanakiev, philosopher
65. Kalin Serapionov, artist
66. Kamen Kalev, director
67. Kirill Zlatkov, artist
68. Koprinka Chervenkova, journalist
69. Kristina Grozeva, director
70. Lachezar Boyadzhiev, artist
71. Manol Peykov, editor, translator
72. Prof. Margarita Mladenova, director
73. Marine Bodakov, sing
74. Mario Gavrilov, journalist
75. Maria Kasimova, journalist, writer
76. Martin Dimitrov, publicist
77. Martina Troanska, actress
78. Milena Markova, actress
79. Militsa Gladnishka, singer, actress
80. Mira Staleva, producer
81. Nevena Kertova, screenwriter
82. Neda Morfova, director
83. Nedko Solakov, artist
84. Nikola Gruev-Kotarashki, musician
85. Nikola Toromanov, set designer, artist
86. Nikolai Vodenicharov-Niketsa, musician
87. Nikolai Yordanov-Gilana, musician, producer
88. Pavel Vesnakov, director
89. Palmi Ranchev, writer
90. Petar Valchanov, director
91. Petar Dundakov, composer
92. Petar Krumov, director
93. Pravdolyub Ivanov, artist
94. Radina Kardzhilova, actress
95. Radoslav Bimbalov, publicist
96. Reni Vrangova, actress
97. Rositsa Valkanova, producer
98. Ruzha Lazarova, writer
99. Ruth Koleva, singer
100. Samuel Finzi, actor
101. Svetlana Yancheva, actress
102. Silvia Nedkova, publicist
103. Silvia Petkova, actress
104. Silvia Choleva, poet
105. Stanka Kalcheva, actress
106. Stefan Komandarev, director
107. Stefania Koleva, actress
108. Stoyan Alexiev, actor
109. Teodora Markova, screenwriter
110. Theo Ushev, director
111. Prof. Todor Krastev, architect
112. Tony Nikolov, philosopher
113. Philip Todorov, producer
114. Hristo Garbov, actor
115. Hristo Uzunov, actor
116. Tsvetelina Tsvetkova, writer
117. Chavdar Gyuzelev, set designer
118. Julian Zhiliev, translator
119. Julian Atanasov, cameraman
120. Julia Spiridonova, writer
121. Yavor Gardev, director
122. Yana Genova, cultural director
123. Yana Titova, director, actress

Sofia, Bulgaria
