Include tourism in the Recovery Plan – ᐉ News from Bulgaria • latest news and current information


Tourism will be included in the final version of Bulgaria’s National Plan for Reconstruction and Sustainability. This was stated by the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Tourism Mariana Nikolova in an interview with BTA, distributed by the MT press center.

A working group with the participation of companies and scientists is preparing proposals for the “EU Next Generation” instrument on tourism, which will be ready later this year. Its financial expression should be formed on this basis, said Minister Nikolova, noting that there is a unanimous opinion that significant funds are needed to support the sector and its recovery from the unprecedented pandemic, as it faces an acute lack of liquidity.

“We strongly support the incentive measures and the preservation of jobs provided for in the Recovery and Sustainability Plan and we will engage with thematic ideas,” added the minister.

Losses from domestic and inbound tourism amount to around BGN 4.2 billion according to NSI and BNB data for the first 9 months of 2020. They are expected to increase due to the small amount of tourist trips by the end of the year. It is not excluded that the losses from domestic and inbound tourism exceed BGN 5 billion throughout the year, said the Minister of Tourism.

EU member states are gradually introducing restrictive measures until January 7 or 10, 2021, the minister recalled, noting that the restrictions will undoubtedly affect tourists’ plans. “Under the pessimistic scenario, a total lockdown will cost BGN 1 billion for our winter tourism, but I strongly support the position that that option should not be reached,” said Minister Nikolova. “The regulations of the Ministry of Health and our unified instructions for the activity of tourist sites and winter facilities are strictly adhered to. Control is ongoing and inflexible, because the prestige of Bulgaria as a winter destination with many competitive advantages is at stake. and as an internationally recognized ski center for professionals and amateurs, ”said the Minister of Tourism.

Mariana Nikolova stated that Bulgaria insists that our partners in the Balkans keep our borders open or only as a last resort to pass a negative PCR test. He noted that there is a large drop in advance bookings, and for Bulgarians it is less. According to her, the late start of the season is logical, but the country must regain the confidence of tourists, lost by the pandemic. “We have a predominant Bulgarian presence, but we also expect last minute visits from Turkey, Romania, the Republic of North Macedonia, Serbia, why not Israel, Moldova, Ukraine, etc. We hope that the interest in spas and tourism of spa stay “. , Minister Nikolova commented.

According to her, the Ministry of Tourism is in constant dialogue with other institutions responsible for the management and planning of European programs, seeking additional opportunities to support those working in the tourism sector in 2021. Initially, it is expected that such opportunities will be created . in relation to the additional funds provided to the Ministry of Economy and the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy by the REACT-EU initiative of the European Commission. The Minister recalled the various forms of support for companies so far.

Although the ministry is working to prepare for the summer of 2021, according to the minister, it is too early to make predictions because the situation is constantly changing. We must plan an active policy in the traditional markets of our country, such as Russia and Germany. We are working in 18 more markets, which choose Bulgaria for their summer holidays, Nikolova said, adding that at the moment there is interest from Germany, Poland, Ukraine, Russia, the Czech Republic, Israel, Great Britain and other traditional markets. According to her, we will once again depend on national tourists to continue rediscovering our country as a favorite destination, whether at sea, in the mountains or somewhere inland.

Regarding the ministry’s policy regarding beach concessionaires, the minister said that a balance will be sought in the restrictions, since the objective is to maintain the interest of the business in the management of beach strips and of local governments for the street beaches. “Out of season, we are still in the process of finalizing the measures provided for in the transitory and final provisions of the Health Law. The situation of the pandemic is very dynamic and it is difficult to make accurate forecasts. We are analyzing the effectiveness of these changes and we offer new ones “. measures to stimulate and support companies ”, commented Minister Nikolova.

Post-pandemic tourism will emphasize alternative forms and active recreation, combined with health and spa procedures, predicts Minister Nikolova. “Parallel to the crisis, digitization is becoming an increasingly important part of our daily lives. With the development of technology, a new generation of passengers is emerging, who have a good understanding of the global economy. “We also expect growth in individual travel,” said Minister Mariana Nikolova.
