In the context of the pandemic: 50% growth in foreign investment in our country – Economy


In the context of the pandemic, our country reports a 50 percent increase in foreign investment. This was stated to Nova TV by the Deputy Minister of Economy, Stamen Yanev.

According to him, at the end of the year the decline in the economy will not exceed 5 percent.

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“Currently, the Bulgarian Investment Agency has certified more than 22 new projects, which are both foreign and Bulgarian … And the total volume exceeds 720 million BGN to create more than 3,200 new jobs,” said the deputy minister Stamen Yanev.

“Bulgaria attracts most of the Italian entrepreneurs with its geographical location. However, it is on its way to the Middle East. The second is technology, labor is cheaper than in Italy, electricity is cheaper. But what more important is the human factor ”, María Luisa Meroni, president of“ Confindustria ”is categorical.

“We have not withdrawn from any market, at least from Bulgaria. We have 12,000 companies here employing more than 50,000 Bulgarian workers,” said Barbara Beltrame, Vice President of Confindustria.

The interest of foreign businessmen in our country continues to be strong, according to Confindustria – Italia, which today celebrates 20 years in our market.

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The association is an Italian business initiative in Bulgaria and is an important international partner of CEIBG. And in their forum today, Italian entrepreneurs listed the reasons that motivate them to do business in our country.
