In New York, funerals are buried in mass graves that have died since the new coronavirus.


Video of coffins buried in a mass grave in New York, as the number of victims of the new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) continues to increase.

Workers in special clothing used against hazardous materials were seen descending into the a huge hole with the help of a ladder where the coffins were arranged.

The place is Hart Islandused for funerals of New Yorkers without relatives or financially unable to pay for a funeral.

According to recent data New York State has more infected coronaviruses than anywhere else in the world.

People infected with coronavirus registered in the state have increased by approximately 10,000 people in 24 hours, according to the latest figures yesterday, bringing the total number of infected people to 159,937, of whom approximately 7,000 have died.

In Spain, 153,000 people are infected, and in Italy, about 143,000, while 82,000 carriers of the virus are registered in China, where the infection began.

The United States as a whole has registered more than 466,000 infected and more than 16,600 died. There are more than 1.6 million infected and more than 95,000 victims of COVID-19 worldwide.

New York New Record: 799 died of coronavirus in 24 hours

New York New Record: 799 died of coronavirus in 24 hours

A total of 7,067 people have died in the state

The drone shots are from Hart Island, located near the Bronx on Long Island Sound, and used for 150 years by city authorities as a mass burial place for those without relatives or families who cannot afford burials.

Many of the coffins are probably victims of the coronavirus, but it is unclear if they belong to the previous categories.

On-site funerals in the context of the pandemic have increased by making instead of the usual one day a week, and five days a week, according to the Ministry of Sanctions.

Prisoners on Rickers Island, the city’s main prison complex, are generally doing the job, but the increasing workload has recently been taken over by companies.

United States has crossed the threshold of 16,000 coronavirus deaths

United States has crossed the threshold of 16,000 coronavirus deaths

The data is from Johns Hopkins University.

New York Mayor Bill de Blasio said earlier this week that the temporary burial may be necessary until the crisis ends.

“Obviously, the place we historically use is Hart Island,” he said.

The number of deaths from coronavirus in New York State increased by 799 people in the past 24 hours, a record since the epidemic began there.

But Governor Andrew Cuomo saw light in the tunnel as the number of COVID-19 patients admitted to hospitals in New York fell for the second day in a row, to 200 people.

He said it was a sign that social distance was working. He called the infection “a silent explosion that shakes society with the same arbitrariness, the same evil that we saw on September 11”, 2001.

Another ray of hope was officially announced yesterday when Official estimates of how many people will die overall across the country have been lowered.

Dr. Anthony Fauchi, a key member of the White House Coronavirus team, said The total number of Americans who will die from COVID-19 “appears to be more than 60,000 souls. “

In late March, Dr. Fauchi estimated that “between 100,000 and 200,000” could die.

An estimated 60,000 people Meets the above estimate for the total number of people who died of influenza in the US. USA Between October 2019 and March 2020 according to government figures.

But Vice President Mike Pence stressed Thursday that COVID-19 is approximately three times as infected with the flu.
