Iliana Yotova: The president has no intention of doing political projects


Iliana Yotova STAFF: NOVA

“People who have been explaining for several years that the president wants to do a political project and a party should now be disappointed. The president is the president of the Republic of Bulgaria and he has no intention of making political projects, nor of leading the alternative, since he is being pushed in this direction. “This was stated by Vice President Iliana Yotova to NOVA.

“The ambition for parliamentary elections exists in the Bulgarian voters and in their political representations. If we are targeting the president, it seems to me that it is not,” Yotova added.

Regarding the date of the next vote, Yotova commented that the president had given enough answer to the question.

“I have not heard anyone in the academic world talk about voting. There are too many unknowns to be able to say as of now why March 28 is not a good date or why May is a better date. The president acted from the These are their constitutional powers, and March 28 is the first date for the elections, “he added.

According to the vice president, on the issue of whether the elections are safe or not, people in scientific circles will decide.

“Until a month ago, everyone said they wanted early elections. Now it turned out that no one was ready. However, I have a different opinion, there is no party at the moment that is not ready, “Yotova is categorical.

The vice president also commented on the current situation around the pandemic. According to her, the rapid adoption of the vaccine by the European Commission has put our country at a disadvantage.

“If we have to start today and last night’s news about the rapid adoption of the vaccine by the European Medicines Agency and then the rapid adoption by the European Commission, this has put Bulgaria at a disadvantage. Our Minister of Health and the Bulgarian government have four days to inform the population about all the risks and benefits of the vaccine, “he added.

Yotova explained that she has reservations about the practice of starting the vaccine first in the country.

“The people who work at the front need the vaccines. These are the doctors, the nurses. The lists of those who want to be vaccinated have already passed in the hospitals. My husband is also among them. I think the first amounts should be for those most in need Yotova said.
