Ilhan Küçük: The agreement with North Macedonia can be complemented


The Commission has reached a number of conclusions, but the responsibility for the overall story lies with the politicians

Highlights from the interview:

Borissov does not realize that reducing emissions is a strategic objective of the EU, and Bulgaria cannot afford to be
out of this process

The MRF program is based on growth based on a clean environment, we are definitely “in favor” of the EU Green Deal

There is no party like ours that believes so much in generational dialogue and works for its development


– Mr. Kyuchyuk, a national MRF Youth conference will be held soon, at which new leadership will be elected. In the last one he was re-elected president, will he now run for a third term?

– I am not a candidate in this election. My generation helped and gave security and development to the organization. Now is the time for new and faster growth that can come from the next generation. Time demands it!

– The youth conference is expected to be held completely online for the first time, but has more than 350 delegates who must vote on the new leadership. How exactly will this happen?

– Despite the global closure, we remain open to the world, because empathy and responsibility are our DNA. Because we have shown that we are not only part of modern Bulgarian society, we actively participate in its construction. The union as a notion of human closeness is now being transformed into contact with electronic devices.

Being up-to-date, modern and innovative is not enough. Now

we take



look at

the future

Also, to bring the future today. Set the most ambitious goals and the highest standards to stay one step ahead of others. This is such a valuable step that it makes a difference. We will convey this message through the capabilities of social media. Yes, there are 357 delegates, but there will be thousands together.

– After the youth, the MRF national conference follows, there is already speculation that the movement may have a new leader. Time to change the top of the party?

– MRF has always combined traditions and modernity in the construction of festivals. There is no other party that believes so much in generational dialogue and actively works for its development and establishment. The proof is that the first president of the MRF Youth, Mr. Mustafa Karadayi, is today president of the MRF. The young people of the MRF are very satisfied with this fact.

– Have you set the date yet?

– The decision of the central leadership was for December 12, but as you can see, we live in a very dynamic world.

– The resolution of the European Parliament, initiated by Elena Yoncheva and Radan Kanev, resonated with great force in our country. Is it appropriate for Bulgarian MEPs to undertake initiatives of this kind that harm the country?

– The fact that there is a debate and a resolution for an EU member state is not a problem in itself. We have had similar discussions for Hungary, Poland, Malta, Slovakia, Spain. Democracy is not an exhausted word. Human rights and freedoms are not shredded or thrown away. The question is what’s next? Because the debate and the subsequent resolution achieved their objectives.

– And why, according to the MRF, did Bulgarian politicians “get lost in translation” of the Brussels report on the new mechanism?

“Perhaps because for the most part they had read it in a language foreign to them, or in their haste they had not read it completely.” But if we take the issue more seriously, the report is very comprehensive. It reports on the results obtained in a number of key areas and points out lags or setbacks. The report is a good opportunity to continue the dialogue with the EC. Let’s not forget that it is

first but a lot

important step




for democracy

This helps the rule of law and fundamental rights and freedoms.

– The European Parliament will also consider the report on democracy, the rule of law and fundamental rights and freedoms for Bulgaria. What do you expect from him?

– I look forward to a more in-depth discussion on the top five countries, arranged alphabetically, including Bulgaria. The issue will be debated by the Council in the format of Ministers of European Affairs. The meeting is November 10.

This is not expected to lead to any formal results, such as conclusions or a council resolution.

However, an analysis of the judicial system of the five countries is expected. It will also be considered within the framework of the Justice and Home Affairs Council on November 13 or at its December meeting from December 3-4.

– As an MEP, you voted in favor of a document, which is part of the Green Deal, which obliges EU countries to reduce their harmful emissions by 55% by the end of 2030. However, Prime Minister Borissov warned that this means closing mines and leaks, where is the exit? ?

– The MRF program for development in Bulgaria is based on the philosophy of growth based on a clean environment, prevention and adaptation to climate change and innovative green technologies.

We strongly support the Green Deal, the new EU growth strategy. Climate law is an essential part of the Green Deal. In fact, we have supported a 60% reduction in emissions by 2030 as a negotiating position for the EP. The council’s position is for a 50-55% reduction in emissions and is supported by Borissov.

Borissov’s claims show three things: He does not realize that reducing emissions is a strategic EU objective related to the technological revolution. Bulgaria cannot afford to be left out of this process. Second, the Prime Minister does not realize that the responsibility for drawing up a national plan for this transition rests with the government.

And thirdly –

nobody waits


mini and CHP tomorrow

But we must have a national vision of how to achieve the goals step by step, step by step, with a network of environmental, economic and social measures. The fact that for this we can receive significant financial support from the EU is still significant.

– As rapporteur on North Macedonia’s accession to the EU, are you optimistic that the members of the joint commission can find a suitable common reading of history? And if this does not happen in a reasonable time, should Sofia block Skopje for EU membership?

– The key point of the 2017 contract is the word “general”. Its aim is to highlight our common past, but also to provide a horizon for our common future, which is linked to NATO and the European Union. If there is a misunderstanding of some parts of the contract or greater precision is required, additional explanations can be used. There are several possibilities for this in international relations. The Mixed Historical Commission has reached a series of common conclusions and it is important to continue working, but the main responsibility lies with the politicians. They need to show leadership.

It is in the strategic interest of all that the Western Balkans become an integral part of the European Union in order to become a zone of shared democratic values.

Visiting card:

Born on September 16, 1985 in Sevlievo

Graduated from political science and law at VTU, he has many specializations and trainings.

Member of the MRF Youth since 2005.

President of the MRF Youth

Vice President of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe (ALDE)

MRF MEP / “Renew Europe”

He is the permanent rapporteur of the European Parliament for North Macedonia.
