If the infection continues at this rate, our health care system will begin to succumb.



The number of infected continues to grow rapidly. One more day we have an absolute record: 914 positive samples per day. Just over 6,300 PCR tests were performed, which means that the percentage of positive samples is 14.5 percent.

Another negative record: 1,426 people are hospitalized, 74 of them in serious condition. And a step towards relaxing the measures: after talks between Prime Minister Boyko Borissov and the ministers, it was decided to reduce the quarantine from 14 to 10 days. Every effort is made to keep children’s learning in mind.

There is a real risk of reaching 2,000 patients a day, and it is not known if we will stop there. Headquarters calculations show that the number of new infections will continue to increase rapidly in the coming days and weeks. This could cause an overload of the health system from November.

Against the background of crowded offices and chaos in front of them, announced the Headquarters mathematician: the number of new infected will continue to grow at the same rate next week. The increase in new cases this week, compared to last, is 80 percent, reports Nova TV.

“We cannot bear another 80 weeks of increase of 80%. The health system, if it continues like this, will begin to give way,” explained Professor Vitanov. However, the mathematical model shows that trend.

In the context of worrying data, Prime Minister Borissov announced from Brussels that no new measures will be introduced.

The tightening of the measures in some European countries scares the other member states, said the prime minister. And it identified the General Action Plan of the European Commission as overdue.

“We should have done this in July, and not now, many of the member states panicked to adopt actions that provoke panic in other countries, or create discord in actions,” Borissov said, announcing that Bulgaria would not introduce new ones.

“Children must go to school! Children must study because we also damage people’s mental health,” he said.

According to the Ministry of Education, a total of 203 students and 211 teachers have positive samples, which is equivalent to 0.02% in the context of total morbidity. If they have flu-like symptoms, each student is required to seek their personal physician immediately, and return to class is only with a note.

The Association of Family Physicians asked for more discipline in front of the offices, because according to them, not only students but also adults go on the days reserved only for examinations of healthy children.

“Patients have already started coming at any moment, they don’t call by phone to make an appointment in advance and this creates problems for us,” explained Dr. Violeta Chobanova.
