I gained weight, looked for the pills, and wanted to kill myself.



The famous Bulgarian singer and ex-partner of our boxing star Kubrat Pulev – Andrea revealed the whole truth about their separation after a 13-year relationship.

The blonde spoke in front of Nova TV and admitted that it was finally over between the two, although photos appeared a few days ago, after which there were rumors to the contrary. Andrea admitted that she wanted to commit suicide because of Kubrat and that she began to gain weight due to her problems.

“Fame is a double-edged sword. It brings me income, but I already feel horror when I walk into a restaurant and meet people’s eyes. Some are vicious, others are pathetic … The price I paid is high. I lost track of who I am and my health deteriorated.

If you want to be on top, you must forget about privacy. He worked 24 hours a day and didn’t have a minute to breathe. I became like a robot, ”he began, after which he began with confessions about his relationship and separation with Kubrat Pulev.

“At first we were young. First my career developed faster, then his. Fame changes people, it changes everything. I realized that things change. I gained weight, I was not feeling well mentally. I had a weight problem, but it was not the best “The worst thing is that I started to feel that something was wrong with me and Kubrat was not supporting me. Not financially, there is another type of support that I am looking for in a man. I couldn’t do it and started taking pills. “

I was not confused, on the contrary, I realized that for a long time I was trying to live in a fictional world. His kiss with Jenny Sushi was a clash between reality and the fantasy in which he lived. Then everything cracked. I stood up for him because I didn’t want to give up. Then the whole world turned against him, and he didn’t want him to be alone against everyone and against a woman who later revealed her true intentions.

There are other things, but I don’t want to say them so that the show doesn’t turn into a hatred of him.

There came a time when the bubble of my emotions burst. But he didn’t want to sound like a liar or a fool. The problem of the failure of my relationship with Kubrat is in both. I don’t know where I went wrong, maybe I should have been more of a woman and less of a man.

After parting ways with Kubrat, I got in the car and drove so fast that I wanted to hit a tree and end my life. It hurt a lot and she acted like a wounded woman. I was loyal to him for 13 years and it was not fair what happened.

I think after so many years we still have feelings for each other. I have spent a third of my life with him and so far he is my greatest love, ”she said with tears in her eyes.
