I ate bats, the virus did not come from them, but from …


Prof. Dr. Peter Beron is a zoologist, biopeleologist and politician. He is a former director of the Bulgarian Speleological Federation. He was director of the Museum of Natural History (1993-2005). President of the Union of Patriotic Forces “Defense”.

Beron co-founded the UDF in 1989 and presided over it from August to December 1990. Member of the Supreme National Assembly, Vice President of the 40th National Assembly. He is now retired, but has an office at the Museum of Natural History. He became an honorary professor and doctor of science.

In an interview with Maritza, the famous scientist and politician answered current questions about our disputes with North Macedonia and the K-19 pandemic.

– How will our dispute with Skopje end, will the Macedonians give in or feel sorry for the EU?

– They must give up and exchange their textbooks with the “Bulgarian occupiers”. There are some rumors on radio and television that continue to talk nonsense about the occupying army in Macedonia. There we were received with tears in our eyes and of our 15 generals who go there, 8 were born in Macedonia. Not to mention, almost all Bulgarians are based on a Macedonian vein. It is a shame to say that they have nothing to do with “those Tatars, the Bulgarians.” They need to step back and change their textbooks.

– Dr. Beron, Greece has solved your problem with the Macedonians, and now the hot potato is in our hands. Why are things so much more complicated here?

– It wasn’t just the name of Greece. In the Treaty of Prespa, which was very detailed, the current inhabitants of North Macedonia gave up their claim to the ancient past – that Alexander the Great and his generals were their ancestors.

Our dispute with Skopje over Gotse Delchev is stupid and ridiculous; it is absurd for the commissions to deal with it. This is a Bulgarian who fought for the freedom of Macedonia, he was born in this historical area, but he was Bulgarian everywhere and wrote this many times.

The same goes for the whole team around him. All the anti-Bulgarian rubbish is dumped into Macedonian history textbooks, because this is the way to create your nation.

– However, the Prime Minister of North Macedonia, Zoran Zaev, declared: “We will enter the EU as Macedonians speaking Macedonian!” Language is also a big obstacle in our relations with Skopje.

– We know how the current “Macedonian language” was created, in an easy and simple way in a short time. The coding was assigned to Blagoy Konev, a former student of the University of Sofia, who wrote “nationality: Bulgarian” in his documents. He became Blazhe Koneski and, as president of the Academy of Sciences, quickly created this language.

The most distant dialects of the whole area are taken, accents are changed in all words, some letters are changed

– “yu”, “ya” and “u” disappear. Then a mass of Serbs such as “government”, etc. is added. Where the words are Slavic, international vocabulary is added – instead of “European Union” it becomes “European Union” and “bilateral” becomes “bilateral”.

The Belarusian language was created in this way. When Stalin said to do the Macedonian language, the decision was made in the Comintern with a professor from Kiev, Bernstein. His obvious follower is the late Dina Stanisheva, Sergei Stanishev’s mother. She was a prominent Macedonian.

And from the Shoppe dialect what a wonderful language it becomes! Both professors from Belgrade have set out to do so. And it is claimed that from Nis to Ihtiman there are no Bulgarians, but buyers. They are curious things!

May Macedonians be alive and well and use their language! However, they cannot poison the heads of children with the stories of Macedonian Renaissance men who fought against the Bulgarization of Macedonia.

– Why is there nowhere in inter-state relations a case like the dispute between Bulgaria and Macedonia?

– The Austrians became a separate nation, which, however, writes and speaks German. In Switzerland 70% of the people speak German but they are a Swiss nation. They do not consider it necessary to change this language. It is not necessary to create a new language and a new mythology to become a new nation. We recognize your nation and state: being alive and healthy, but

There are a handful of sales mothers in the Pirin region who work against Bulgaria.

The good thing is that the Bulgarian constitution does not recognize the concept of minority. As is not the case in the French constitution, they are all French, French citizens. Both the Basques, the Bretons and the Corsicans are French. I think we have wrongly ratified the Framework Convention on Minorities. The French and Belgians did not ratify it because they had a different device. And here Ivan Kostov intervened to ratify it.

– Months ago you predicted that the protests will not lead to the resignation of the cabinet and will not collect enough votes for the Grand National Assembly.

– The current government is better than what the so-called protesters offer us, because they offer us nothing. Rumors that it is a “popular uprising” annoy me. Language that kept the word “uprising”!

A diverse company has gathered here, walking alongside Tsar Osvoboditel. This is the audacity of the so-called Poison Trio. They ask me, “You used to lead rallies and marches, why don’t you join now?” Then we said and it was clear: Let the reds go and let ours come! Now I don’t know who “ours” are.

Is this the BSP, is this the MRF, is it Maya Manolova, Slavi and the “Poison Trio”? These people and organizations are not “mine” that I would vote for. Young people want a change, to be alive and healthy!

But if it had not been for the UDF, these young people would not have been students abroad

For society to develop from now on, we must have a solid alternative. The BSP, successor to the communist regime, is no alternative. For me, communism has always been a utopia as an ideology and a crime as a political practice.

All this work with the alienation of an entire part of our country, the Macedonian Bulgarians, is an exceptional national treason. They never apologized for that. And for the 20,000 Bulgarians killed in October 1944 and for the attack on Sveta Nedelya. They have not proven to have anything to do with the gang that came from Moscow, led by the traitor Georgi Dimitrov. Let this government remain as long as possible.

– Are we managing the covid crisis in our country so far?

– There are all kinds of smart people – some support the Swedish model, but people are much healthier and tougher than we are. And although they had a high mortality rate, they are now slowly recovering. The truth is we have to get through all of this and

there is no point in asking “it was sooner or later”.

We got off to a good start at first and some action could be taken in the summer, but there are plenty of intelligence providers here standing by and learning what to do. If they had to do all of this, I doubt they would have done better.

The story of the coronavirus should not be a political battlefield, it should be a nationwide effort to confront it. And for some parties to use it to attack other parties is an anti-Bulgarian activity.

– You used to live in the tropics for a long time. Why then had we not heard of such dangerous viruses?

– I had malaria 7 times while living in Africa for three years. It’s hard to deal with, but I came back to life. I caught all three types of malaria: tertiary, quartan, and tropical. With drugs and injections I survived. My body is muddy, I have been a lot in the mountains, three expeditions only in the Himalayas.

When I was a reservation manager in Nigeria, I lived for three years in a house 100 kilometers from the nearest white man. There was no gram of medicine, no electricity, no refrigerator … I went through all sorts of things and yet behaved for 80 years and several months. And I work on the computer for 10 hours a day. I am angry that I couldn’t go anywhere this year due to the quarantines. The previous three I was in Kenya, Vietnam and Laos.

“He says he doesn’t think the virus came from bats.” Why?

– I do not think so. They have been selling them in the markets for centuries and millennia. Fruit bats are big and eat them everywhere.

“Have you eaten bats?”

– I ate. They taste like chicken. The virus is said to have been transmitted by pangolin bats. And pangolins are so rare it’s absurd! For me, it was removed from one of the two labs in Wuhan. They work in virology, he came from one of them.

It cannot be a biological weapon. It is not made for the old, but for the young. Killing the elderly in a country doesn’t do much good. The world must fight the covid, as it fought the Spanish flu and the Justinian plague.
