How to recognize a stupid person – ᐉ Curious • news about lifestyle, diet, health and fashion


Stupidity is dangerous and contagious: more than once great people have warned about it. It spreads like wildfire and strikes the mind. That is why it is very important to avoid communicating with stupid people and to create a dignified environment around them.

It is necessary to understand what dementia is, why it interferes in our lives and how it manifests itself. As the saying goes, you have to face your enemy head to head. Let’s try to look into the eyes of stupidity.

1. Speak only for yourself

The conversation involves the exchange of information and involves at least two people. When a person likes to talk about himself and does not allow the interlocutor to say a word, he obviously does not speak well for him. You may not be a good listener and miss out on the opportunity to gain valuable experience. Pathological “songbirds” often do not shine with intelligence.

2. Too noisy

Often there are specimens that produce too much noise and little thought. They can be identified by their vanity, loud voice, mania, lack of tact and etiquette. When this guy shows up, he gets everyone’s attention and the conversation isn’t about anything meaningful. As an example, everyone has come across a lady who talks about another person’s private life in all public places and manages to draw others into the conversation.

3. Do not think about the needs of the interlocutor

One fills all the space with oneself and loses touch. At the same time, you are not interested in what other people think, if they are interested in the conversation. However, the solo performance continues. The lack of need for dialogue testifies to stupidity and childishness. The fool is absolutely sure of his superiority and righteousness and is not interested in the opinion of other people.

4. He is afraid of everything

Life is full of fears and inhibitions, danger lurks everywhere. It is impossible for narrow-minded people to step out of their comfort zone. They are hidden in their shell and they do not live, they do not develop, they cannot cope with problems on their own, but they do not want help. There is also a flip side to the coin, when you go into battle and don’t see the whole situation. Mindless actions often show stupidity. By living a full life, people gain experience and wisdom.

5. There is no doubt

Everything flows and changes, today the truth is already in doubt. The stupid is closed to new knowledge, is satisfied with his delusions, does not try to learn and be flexible.

6. Divide everything into black and white

Another distinctive feature is categoricality. The stubbornness of the donkey is a sign of limitation. The world is not divided into good and bad, it is multifaceted. In addition to black and white, there are other tones, and stupidity does not distinguish between halftones.
