How does an NFSB MP acquire a beach in Nessebar? (updated)


Parking in the dunes in front of the Hotel Estrea

Georgi kolev

A company linked to Valeri Simeonov’s party, MP Georgi Kolev, received part of Nessebar South Beach through the back entrance of the bill. The story of the acquisition was told by the councilor for “Democratic Bulgaria” in Sofia Toma Belev on his Facebook page, where he also posted documents.

According to Belev, this is the price that will be paid for the support of Boyko Borissov’s government and the new “pseudo-constitution”, as the environmentalist calls the project, with which the government justified its permanence in power.

Toma Belev proposes that the draft of a new constitution be called the beach constitution, because to enter the National Assembly, it was paid with two beaches: “Kabakum North” and “Nessebar South”.

The reason is that on September 2, while GERB was seeking the 120 rescue firms to present its draft of a new basic law, the government expressly appointed a company of former “Volya” deputy Andon Donchev as a concessionaire on the beach “Kabakum- North 2 “. (The concession has so far been in the hands of the leader of Volia, Veselin Mareshki). A little later, Mareshki, who until recently claimed that his party would not sign the GERB project, signed it personally, along with several other deputies from his party.

Regarding the beach “South Nessebar” Toma Belev recalls that it is a legal attempt to pass Kolev’s decision through the former Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova, but she refused.

Now, however, there is no obstacle, after Deputy Prime Minister Mariana Nikolova was appointed in her place, who is Valery Simeonov’s confidante and was head of his cabinet while he was a member of the government.

NFSB leader Valeri Simenov told Mediapool that everything is legal and that they will meet Toma Belev in court. “How do you see me, to allow my MP not to do something correctly”, Simeonov said about the clarification that everything is legal, but loopholes are used in the law.

Subsequently, the Ministry of Tourism responded that the whole case was from the time of the former Minister Nikolina Angelkova, who did everything possible to protect free access to the beach. The Ministry of Tourism has twice opposed the decision of the Nessebar Municipal Council on the developed detailed development plan (DDP), but the councilors did not comply. Finally, the Ministry of Tourism appealed the order of approval of the Detailed Urban Plan, issued by the mayor of Nessebar, but the court abandoned the appeal without consideration and terminated the process. Therefore, the ministry has exhausted all possible ways to protect the public interest and the case is entirely within the competence of the Nessebar municipality, it follows from the response of the Ministry of Tourism.

how with the beach “Nessebar South” will the NFSB be paid?

Here is the story that Toma Belev tells how the beach “Nessebar South” will be paid to the party of Valeri Simeonov:

On August 12, the Nessebar City Council approved the elaboration of a detailed development plan (PDD) of a state forest property in the Kokalu area with the purpose “For a drinking and wastewater treatment plant”.

At first glance, it seems normal, right? Except that the application is from a private company Estrea, owned by the son of NFSB deputy Georgi Kolev. The company owns the neighboring hotel “Estrea”, and at least part of the property is a beach front parking lot “Nessebar South”, and another part of the property is part of the beach itself, and as such is exclusive state property and is not subject to sale or construction.

The regional governor of Burgas has not reversed the decision and it has entered into force and cannot be appealed by law. RIEW Burgas does not see any problems in construction either. The Burgas Regional Forest Directorate does not see a problem either, since in 2019 it will coordinate the construction.

Why does the NFSB family want the MP to build a state-owned drinking water and wastewater treatment plant? You do not need, nor can you build two such stations by law on one property.

To purify drinking water, Estrea must have a water supply and sewerage operator license, which it does not have.

You do not have to treat the wastewater, because Nessebar has a treatment plant.

In fact, on February 18, 2019, the Nessebar City Council agreed on a detailed urban plan for the property, but for a health center, Toma Belev continues.

However, for a health facility, the LPC does not allow the approval of a detailed urban plan in violation of the Master Plan and therefore it is necessary to change the idea from a health facility to a treatment plant.

The truth is simple: the property is not planned for construction under the Nessebar Master Plan and to comply with the LPC, a detailed urban plan may be approved, but only if it is for technical infrastructure. And they need a detailed urban plan for a private company to acquire state forest property without a tender under Section V of the Forestry Law.

Is it possible to acquire part of the beach, as is the case? Of course you can’t because according to the Constitution, the beaches are the exclusive property of the State. However, this is controlled by the Minister of Tourism, and Ms. Mariana Nikolova is also from the NFSB.

The person who reported this violation of the Constitution to me said that Minister Angelkova did not agree with this PUP and this is one of the main reasons for the misunderstanding with Valeri Simeonov.

This is how, thanks to the closing of the eyes of the municipal councilors of Nessebar, the regional governor of Burgas, RDG Burgas, RIEW Burgas and the Minister of Tourism, the family of the NFSB deputy Georgi Kolev will acquire a decare and a half in the walk maritime. , including part of the “Nessebar South” beach.

That is why the NFSB does not want to resign at this time, because the next Minister of Tourism may decide not to violate the Constitution. So they will sign five constitutions, just to be in power, because a decade and a half on Nessebar beach is a decade and a half.

All the documents I used for this post are searchable via Google under the property number 51500.204.231 “.

Bel. ed .: With EU funding, the municipality of Nessebar built a modern treatment plant in the tens of millions during the last programming period. According to Valeri Simeonov, the owner of Estrea needs a new treatment plant, because there will be a rehabilitation center with salts, bleach, etc. For this reason, a new treatment plant was needed, said Simeonov, who knows the case well.

The response of the Ministry of Tourism

Regarding the media inquiries about the reaction of the Ministry of Tourism in the development of a Detailed Development Plan (DDP) for the construction of a treatment plant in the municipality of Nessebar, the press center announced:

The information presented in the part relating to the Ministry of Tourism and personally to the Minister of Tourism Mariana Nikolova definitely does not correspond to the truth. It does not coordinate or sign detailed development plans. The actions carried out in defense of the public interest are in the following chronological form:

1. With a letter ent. № T-08-00-174 / 11.04.2019 to the Ministry of Tourism, Municipality of Nessebar announces a project for PUP-PRZ for a property with the identifier 51500.204.231 on the cadastral map of the city of Nessebar, area “Kokalu” . With the PUP-PRZ project, it was determined “for landscaping, parking, site for emergency provision and treatment facility for a health center”, which falls in zone “A” of the Costa del Mar Law Negro (ZUCHK), to which the Ministry of Tourism is responsible with objection ref. № T-08-00-174 / 23.04.2019

The developed PUP-PRZ does not provide access to the “Nessebar-sur” sea beach. In addition, the project does not meet the requirements of art. 112, para. 4 of the Territorial Planning Law, according to which detailed development plans also create conditions for the development of the environment and technical infrastructure for the purpose of accessibility and use by people with disabilities.

Along with the above, the procedure of Art. 65 of Ordinance No. RD-02-20-5 of December 15, 2016 on the content, creation and maintenance of the cadastral map and cadastral records, according to which the detailed development plans are agreed upon by the geodesy, cartography and cadastre service before their approval, and The adopted project to modify the cadastral map and cadastral records will be reflected in the cadastral map and cadastral records upon presentation to the SGCC of the documents for the application of PUP and protocol of traceability and coordination of the new real estate limits.

2. With a letter ent. № T-08-00-337 / 06.18.2019 to the Ministry of Tourism, Municipality of Nessebar again announces a draft PUP-PRZ for a property with the identifier 51500.204.231 on the cadastral map of Nessebar, Kokalu area. The prepared PUP has not been corrected according to the previous Exception with ref. № T-08-00-174 / 23.04.2019 of the Ministry of Tourism and the street does not reach the territory of the sea beach “Nessebar-South”, it is trapped in another property, which overlaps the building built on it. Therefore, the PUP project contradicts art. 4, para. 1 and 2 of the LCA, according to which citizens have the right to free and unrestricted access to marine beaches, and citizens’ access to marine beaches is provided through the provisions of development plans, including those plot plans for the construction of technical infrastructure to serve these areas. .

In his capacity as an interested person under art. 131 of the Territorial Planning Law, in relation to art. 128, para. 5 of the Territorial Planning Law (SPA), the Ministry of Tourism opposes within the legal period of 14 days against the draft of PUP-PRZ developed and adopted by OESUT. The objection is with ref. № T-08-00-337 / 02.07.2019

3. With Appeal BEFORE THE ADMINISTRATIVE COURT OF THE CITY OF BURGAS – T-08-00-472 / 05.09.2019, the Ministry of Tourism appealed the order to approve the Detailed Urban Plan, issued by the mayor of the municipality of Nessebar. With a judgment of 04/07/2020, the Contentious-Administrative Court of Burgas abandoned the appeal and declared the administrative process concluded.
