Hospitals prepared for 11,000 patients with COVID-19 and 850 in the intensive care unit (Summary)


The system will last, Minister Kostadin Angelov is convinced

The British version gets many more people to the hospital faster, but mortality is lower than the second wave

TO The peak of the third wave will reach 11,000 patients hospitalized with COVID-19 and those admitted to intensive care units – up to 850. This is what the health authorities expect as the maximum burden on the health system in the coming weeks , director. he announced at a staff briefing on Thursday. from “Pirogov” Prof. Asen Baltov.

The border of 10,000 hospitalized patients was crossed yesterday for the first time since the start of the pandemic.

“In the last few days we have been on top of the peak. We started walking on the highest part of the plateau.

The greatest pressure

It has in

hospitals in

Sofia, Burgas,

Shumen and Varna, but everyone calm, the system is ready, everything necessary is provided and we have no worries. In a few weeks, things will improve, “said Health Minister Prof. Kostadin Angelov.

Despite the increasing number of infected in the last 2 weeks, the trend in the relationship between new cases and those treated in hospitals is beginning to reverse. 17,250 were discharged during the last 7 days and those infected, 25,488. With about the same number of new patients a week earlier, 11,856 were cured.

Yet in this context, uncomplicated bed occupancy in just one week increased 5 percent, from 69% last Thursday to 74% now. The growth of intensive beds is lower: from 70 to 71%.

Two women in labor in Dobrich were taken to the intensive care unit after their condition deteriorated due to COVID, the head of the obstetrics and gynecology department, Dr. Ivaylo Petev, announced yesterday. One of them is intubated and the other is in serious but stable condition. Their babies are fine.

The average morbidity during 14 days is already 732 per 100,000 inhabitants, which places us in fifth place in Europe, said the Chief of State Health Inspectors, Prof. Angel Kunchev. Otherwise, Sofía and Silistra crossed the threshold of 1,000 infected per 100,000 days.

Many more people are now admitted to the hospital than in November and December due to the characteristics of the British version of the virus, explained Associate Professor Kunchev. It requires an earlier hospitalization and a greater need for oxygen therapy.

However, mortality remains lower than in November. Then it was 28 per 100,000, and now it’s 21.

The proportion of positive samples of all those analyzed is now almost two times lower. At the end of last year, 42% were positive, now it is 22-24%.

On the day the phasing out of the measures began, it was unclear what the impact of the 10-day restrictions would be. The Chief of Staff Gen. Ventsislav Mutafchiiski. But he was absent since yesterday for personal reasons.

At least 300,000

Is hidden


in our country according to experts. Thus, along with those officially sick and vaccinated with immunity, there are around 1 million people. This is one of the arguments of the health authorities to begin to loosen the measures despite the workload of the hospitals.

The opening of the open-air restaurants does not mean their must-see, the minister emphasized. The most important thing for a successful exit from the pandemic is personal responsibility and how everyone observes the measures, regardless of whether they are ordered or not, added Associate Professor Kunchev.

The first 14,400 doses of Jansen will arrive on April 16.

The first delivery of the Jansen vaccine is expected in Bulgaria on April 16, the head of the Medicines Agency, Bogdan Kirilov, announced on Thursday at a briefing at headquarters. According to preliminary data, it will contain 14,400 doses. The second will be for 24,000 doses and is scheduled for April 26.

The total quantity of all types of vaccines that Bulgaria should receive during the entire month of April is 700,000 doses, half of which will be of the RNA type, and the others, of vectors, that is. AstraZeneca and Jansen.

At the moment, there are 36,030 doses of mRNA vaccines in Bulgaria, and they are for the first needle, explained the Minister of Health, Prof. Kostadin Angelov. Of these, 11,655 belong to Pfizer and the remaining 24,375 to Modern. It is not clear where they are distributed. Another nearly 100,000 doses of the same vaccines are reserved for a second dose.

Another example of the effectiveness of vaccines was given by the head of “Pirogov” Prof. Asen Baltov. He explained that 80% of the doctors there have already gotten sick or vaccinated. Among them, there are two cases of reinfection, but both are in those who have become ill, while there is no such case in those who have been vaccinated.

Otherwise, 1,442 cases of side effects after immunization have been reported so far, and the majority, 1002, are after the “AstraZeneca” vaccine, Kirilov said. The most common are local reactions, muscle pain, flu symptoms, and in the vector the temperature rises above 38 °. Few reports of reactions led to the need for hospitalization, but they did not specify what they were.

They want help for restaurants without gardens

Restaurants that do not have outdoor seating and remain completely closed must receive assistance from the state. This was requested by the head of the restaurant association Richard Alibegov. The hopes of the industry were that in two weeks the indoor units could be up and running.

Many of the country’s restaurants opened on the morning of April 1, after the country’s third partial closure expired and they were allowed to serve customers outdoors. The residents of Sofia rushed to fill the work establishments in the afternoon, although Sofia is the area with the most infected. The afternoon hours for restaurants remain in effect.
