Hospitals already waiting to be loaded with Oxford COVID-19 vaccine


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London hospitals have been warned that they expect delivery of the COVID-19 vaccine, which is being developed by Oxford University and Astra Zeneca, soon.

This was reported by Reuters, citing the British newspaper “Sun”. An active vaccine could change the fight against the new coronavirus, which has killed more than 1.5 million people worldwide, the agency said.

The vaccine, developed by Oxford and Astra Zeneca, provides an immune response in both young and old people, raising hopes of finding a way out of the pandemic, Reuters reported.

The vaccine, developed by the University of Oxford, also causes fewer side effects in the elderly, the British pharmaceutical company announced today.

It is encouraging to see that immunogenetic responses are similar in young and old, and that reactogenicity is lower in older patients with more severe COVID-19, said an Astra Zeneca spokesperson. .

The results further strengthen the evidence for AZD1222’s safety and immunogenicity, a vaccine spokesperson said.

The Oxford and Astra Zeneca vaccine is expected to be one of the first vaccines from a major pharmaceutical company to receive official approval, alongside vaccine developments Pfitzer and BioNTech, as the world tries to find a way out of the COVID-19 pandemic. .

The good news is that older people get an immune response from the vaccine because the immune system weakens with age and older people have the highest risk of death from COVID-19 infection.

British Health Minister Matt Hancock said the vaccine is not ready yet, but logistics are being prepared for possible mass production in the first half of 2021.

The program is going well but is not over yet, Hancock said in response to a question from the BBC about whether some people could get the vaccine this year.

Work on the Oxford vaccine began in January. The AZD122 vaccine is based on an upper respiratory virus that causes infections in chimpanzees.

Translation and editing: Nora Cholakova
