Horoscope for April 11, 2020, Saturday


The day will be full of temptations, the astrologer advises us to be careful

Aquarius does not risk, especially when it is not only about his interests, writes Ivelina Pencheva in her horoscope today.

April 10, 2020Saturday 2:00 p.m.

Posted by: Flagman.bg

Horoscope of the day – April 11, 2020, Saturday

Daily horoscope for all astrologers Ivelina Pencheva – tribune.bg

Aries – The day is good to take some initiatives. Not everyone will understand and support your ideas. You may receive an unexpected offer, for a job, a meeting, or something else.

Taurus: you are ready to do many tasks. Pay attention to everything, do not stop pleasing yourself and your loved ones. The afternoon is suitable for informal communication.

Gemini: The day for some representatives of the cartel will be difficult. There will be reasons for different experiences and emotions, it will be difficult to deal with emotions. It is not excluded that some people may have disputes.

Cancer: The day will go well if you don’t have too many expectations. Those of you who have no illusions and look at things realistically will be quite satisfied with events. Follow your priorities.

Leo: Difficulties are likely to arise, but the impact of positive trends will prevail. You can set new goals, tackle more complicated things, because in many ways you are lucky.

Virgo: the day will be full of temptations that you will find difficult to resist. You are not ready to make important decisions. Give them more time to mature. The second half of the day will be more favorable.

Libra: Today you may feel dissatisfied with something or someone. Try to avoid open conflicts. It is better to take care of your affairs on your own. Be careful not to overload yourself. Holidays on this day are especially useful for you.

Scorpio: everything is going well, there is no reason to be nervous and worried. You are enthusiastically facing challenges. Harmonizing personal relationships. The beginning of a romantic story is possible.

Sagittarius: You must prepare for serious action. Stunning is especially dangerous when it comes to work and other important matters. Equally important is something else: don’t overload yourself, don’t create problems yourself, don’t put obstacles in your way.

Capricorn: Some things can go wrong. No wonder you are concerned. If you look at the situation from a different perspective, you will see the opportunities that open up for you. A little healthy skepticism won’t hurt.

Aquarium: This day is suitable for active holidays. It is better to postpone serious and important problems for another time, if possible. Try not to risk it, especially when it’s not just your interests.

Pisces: Today there may be contradictions between what you want and what others expect of you. Finding a reasonable compromise may be easier than you think.
