Hit the damn! Kali has been packing but not singing


Popular singer Kali is re-qualified as a financial agent during quarantine when there are no stage appearances.

In her new endeavor: currency trading, she was dragged down by her oldest son, Georgi, who is currently in England. “I will not say that he studies more because he is not. He works in construction, he draws, he studies Russian, in general, he learns life,” he revealed. In addition to earning money on his new business, he decided to spend more time with loved ones in isolation.

“At first I thought contagion was a kind of global money conspiracy. However, later, I convinced myself that it had a much deeper meaning.” “I think those people should rule the country,” the singer is adamant.

Cali added that he would not join online concerts, unlike many of his colleagues. “Does anyone fear they will forget? Let people rest for a while,” said Telegraph.
