“Hey, those and their children killed Milen Tsvetkov …” – Labor


Nearly 900,000 see the brilliant Nikolai Urumov as a drunk political driver

Dozens search for a lunch for the actor.

“Hey, those and their children killed Milen Tsvetkov and many more!” This Facebook post, illustrated with part of a scene from Stefan Komandarev’s latest film, “In Circle”, has driven the social network crazy. The video has been viewed by nearly 900,000 people, has been shared 31,000 times, and has been commented on more than 2,000 times. This is a real phenomenon.

The following happens in the clip. The characters of the actors Irina Zhambonas and Stefan Denolyubov are a couple of police patrol cars from Sofia, who stop a luxury jeep that is moving suspiciously. At the wheel is the character of actor Nikolai Urumov, who is in the company of a young woman. He is drunk and inadequate. Jambonas asks for the car license and documents and a terrifying and humiliating scene begins for the police. In it, we understand that the driver is an important politician who has control over the police chiefs, who in turn crush patrols and force policies.

However, the scene we see on Facebook is cut off and lacks an ending that still inspires a bit of hope: a sympathetic rebellion of the Jambonas heroine.

The cast of the cast is so credible that hundreds of social media users have accepted the film for coverage. There are shocking attacks on Nikolai Urumov in the comments. Only after Nikolay Ishkov’s intervention did Arena boss Armeec Hall, who is also an actor, the author of the post, add that this is a still from the movie “In Circle” with a new message: “Don’t hate the actors, they are very good! “

The Komandarev film made its television debut in Nova hours after the accident in which Milen Tsvetkov died. Due to her role, Irini Zhambonas received awards for the female role at festivals in Sarajevo and the Golden Rose in Varna. The entire scene was shot in a painting, by hand, by the camera master – Veselin Hristov. This adds a lot of realism to the film and many have mistaken the artistic for the real.

Deja vu

On the road to Velinsky’s antagonist “Every kilometer”

The most popular series of the communist era: “Every Kilometer” is the first to convey the anger of the audience to an actor in our country. Georgi Cherkelov, who played the role of the brutal Shumkars persecutor before 1944, Bogdan Velinski, endured much anger and rude treatment while airing the series. Pure kids, stupid, unenlightened people are treated to meet him as Levski fans with a CSKA soccer player (or vice versa). They cut the tires on his car, threatened him, and held him responsible for the fate of the protagonist, Major Sergei Deyanov (Stefan Danailov) and his assistant, Mitko Bombata (Grigor Vachkov). The character, made up of the geniuses of Bulgarian literature: Svoboda Bachvarova, Georgi Markov, and Pavel Vezhinov, is significantly more realistic than the slimmer, but impressive with his vision of Batte Sergo.

Velinsky’s image haunts Georgi Cherkelov until the end of his days.

Director Stefan Komandarev:

This is a symptom of absent justice

“This is a surprising and very strong reaction from the people after the tragedy with Milen Tsvetkov. Symptom of lack of justice in our country and powerlessness. At the same time, it is surprising the number of people who saw, shared and commented on the video. Some of the reactions are disturbing: for people with a childhood psyche who react in a stifled manner without realizing it is a movie. It’s absurd, “said the author of the movie” In a Circle “- Stefan Komandarev,” Trud “

“It is taken out of the context of the film and it is manipulative. The end of the scene shows that there is hope and it is cut off,” he says.

Before developing a political image, he and Nikolay Urumov talk, discuss, and rehearse the character for days. The actor remembers a very fun and desperate event in his life. On the way to Sofia, shortly after Sevlievo, he is routinely detained by a patrol. One, the senior police officer, knows him and begins to think. During this time, you can hear and see a car approaching at breakneck speed. The old man yells at the young man to stop “this sight” immediately. Then it becomes clear that “gaze” is a politician. And the senior says, “Well, how could we! This is the one we shouldn’t have stopped.” The two plead with Urumov to go with them to ease the situation. The politician was humiliated.

“Then I saw how much these guys were crushed. When Stefan invited me for the role, I remembered the guy and got into the picture,” the actor told the Trud.

In memory of the journalist

They ask for a protest before the Court of Justice

The request is for a fair verdict on the “broken child”

The protest for justice is organized in memory of the journalist Milen Tsvetkov.

“We urge all people, in all the cities of Bulgaria, to go before the courts of justice of their cities and with our presence to declare that we will not allow another murderer to be released and to be charged or sentenced to numbers.” This was announced yesterday by Velina Pavlova of the Organization for the Protection of Bulgarian Citizens. In memory of Milen Tsvetkov, she will organize the event in Burgas on Tuesday April 30 from noon and calls on the people of Sofia to appear at the same time before the Trial Chamber, where a hearing is scheduled on the complaint against Christian Nikolov , 22, at the Sofia Court of Appeal. his permanent arrest

“The killer’s lawyer will appeal the decision on the measure of pre-trial detention as well as the charge of premeditated murder. We Bulgarian citizens want a fair trial and adequate punishment for this death caused by a shattered child. It is important that let us stand together and clearly declare that justice must exist and that the judiciary must do its work objectively … “said the appeal. Organizers remind everyone who decides to support them to wear masks and stay away from each other.

