Here is Lili Ivanova’s secret to eternal youth – ᐉ Curious • lifestyle news about lifestyle, diet, health and fashion


Pop legend Lili Ivanova is smeared with Swiss brand “La Prairie” anti-wrinkle cream for a record BGN 1,500, claims the tabloid “Weekend”, referring to information from people on her team.

The star was crazy about lipstick and never wasted a day applying the precious cream to her skin.

The 81-year-old singer has repeatedly said that she will not have any plastic surgery on her face. He resorted only to cosmetic procedures. Days before the New Year holidays, the “Camino” singer was literally overwhelmed with gifts. Lily even posted some armanga for herself on her Facebook profile. Friends and people completely unknown to her sent her flowers and chocolate, mostly natural. Among the gifts were decorations, lots of stuffed animals and cards.

Most of all, Lily rejoiced in the little box with the miraculous rejuvenating cream, a gift from a close friend and admirer. The singer, who has been successfully surfing the Internet for several years, immediately searched for more information about the ointment and was delighted to read that it has an immediate lifting effect that quickly erases wrinkles and erases years. The stingy cream, which costs up to 5 minimum pensions, successfully fought the signs of aging, smoothed and firmed sagging skin, and a radiant complexion. The singer has already tried it and is in awe of the effect. You put the cream on every night before going to bed.

For years, due to the wrinkles on her face and hands, Lily did not allow herself to be photographed up close. In addition, it does not allow the presence of photographers at its concerts other than those it has contracted. The pop star does not allow his photos to be published until he has personally approved them.

