Health authorities: We follow these measures or move to stricter measures (VIDEO)


The health authorities announced in their traditional briefing that they believe that the measures are not being complied with and that if their carelessness continues, the situation will become even more complicated.

3,938 are new cases of coronavirus, 117 are dead

“We are in a position to make a final decision. Either as a society we observe the measures as they are, or we adopt much stricter measures,” said the Chief of State Health Inspectors, Prof. Angel Kunchev, in the traditional information session of health authorities.

“The situation is not radically different from last week. Based on 14 days of morbidity, Bulgaria reached 68 per 100 thousand, ranked 13 in the EU. In terms of mortality in 14 days – 14.3% per 100 thousand. Third in the EU “According to these data, all areas are in the red sector. There is a slight decrease in the number of tests. However, we are still 900 per 100,000, “he explained.

“All the indicators, except morbidity and mortality, are auxiliary. However, they all point to one thing: we continue to rise, morbidity continues to increase, followed by mortality. It is these factors that put pressure on the system. If we continue growing at this rate, the situation will get worse and worse, “Kunchev added.

The cured for the week are 5766, and a total of 3105 people for this week. Bed occupancy for uncomplicated patients is 46% and for intensive care, 25%. This was stated by the Minister of Health, Prof. Kostadin Angelov.

There is a lot of pressure on the system in Blagoevgrad, Burgas, Varna, Gabrovo, Pazardzhik, Pernik, Plovdiv, Razgrad, Ruse, Targovishte and Shumen.

“The situation in the country is complicated. It is seen that the measures we have taken are not receiving the necessary support from the citizens. There are still rumors that this virus does not exist or that we are negatively affecting freedom and human rights. I am seeing what is happening in public “The decision on the” green corridors “. The decision was widely discussed with representatives of the elderly and shopping stores not in person, but over the phone, “Angelov said.

Initially, the request of the elders was to have a trading broker in different time ranges. After discussing the partnership, it became clear that they could not afford such a thing. This led to a decision on a “green corridor”.

“We are at war and in this war we must save as many citizens as possible with the measures that are possible. We must all demonstrate that these measures are necessary and important. And once they are measures, they limit. How many times do we have to repeat that if they deprive us now of some rights and freedoms, we will soon have them in their entirety? How many times does the virus have to refute us with its behavior? We know nothing about this virus. The publications are in both poles of facts about what to step on “, Angelov said.

The Health Minister reported that his orders were not being fully carried out. Specifically, he pointed out the refusal of those responsible for the medical establishments to translate them according to the type indicated in the orders, as well as the lack of control by the managers of the RHIs.

“I try different methods to make this happen by all means allowed by law. When he realizes that the orders have not been carried out, there will be personal changes,” said Professor Angelov.

He explained that it happens that patients are transported from one hospital to another because the condition of the patients changes. Professor Angelov also commented on the tragic case of Plovdiv, in which two men with COVID-19 died after waiting more than 30 minutes in front of the University Hospital. The Health Minister explained that he was aware, but would not comment until there is a clear opinion on the case.

“I cannot justify what is happening in any way. It is unacceptable and unacceptable to the human eye. But when you work in a hospital and know the process in detail, the truth has a different point of view. Say what we say, either” We will bring people, nor will we change what happened. From the data I have, I know that the doctors and nurses at the clinic were enough, they were in their places and they worked with other patients, “he said.

According to him, the health system is coping with it, but if we continue to disobey the measures, we tolerate the opinion that this is a lie and there is no coronavirus, and the measures are invented, with the attack on the doctors, Bulgaria will lose its doctors, said the Minister of Health. He called on everyone to support the health system and doctors, and described the Plovdiv case as the tip of the iceberg.

“Things like this happen because the health system is not reformed. Now is not the time for reforms. They started 20 years ago but they didn’t finish. And what did they lead to? What we see now. General practitioners are individual traders, that’s it. it is correct. by law. The Minister of Health cannot handle them. The doctors in the DCCs are subordinate to the mayor. Only the single synchrony helps us in what is happening, “added Angelov.

The Minister of Health also explained how the PCR test system works.

“When an antigen test is done and it happens in front of the hospital, you have the opportunity to do PCR in the treatment, which is free. You have the right to do it, but you are not obliged. Many people make antigen, which is positive but not” They do PCR. They do it so as not to restrict their movement in society and not be quarantined, “he explained.

An annex is expected to be signed, after which GPs will be able to issue referrals for PCR tests that have no limit.

“All the guidelines and questions for us are for the introduction of additional measures. At the same time, everyone says that” green corridors “create unrest. In this situation, when society is divided, it is very difficult to talk about measures.” Yes We do not make people aware that measures are necessary and must be followed, we will not achieve any results, “he said.

The Minister of Health also stressed that he has clearly outlined a plan to follow.

“The plan is clear. The only problem in it from the beginning is the people. The problem is that they get sick as living people. They leave the system and it is difficult to replace them. It is difficult to have people willing to enter these structures,” he explained.

He noted that Bulgaria, in terms of morbidity and mortality rates, is not in the top positions. Infant mortality in our country is decreasing, and this is the method to establish the real level of the health system in a country. According to Angelov, distrust of doctors has developed in society over the years and they should be supported.

“The GPs are working, they are consulting the patients. They are doing what they can at the moment. I tell you again that the Minister of Health is not the head of the GPs. The system was made that way many years ago We have made requests and appeals, all who are willing to participate. We have medical specialists who have joined the fight. In some places they refuse. It is not a matter of order, “said the Minister of Health.

Sofia Mayor Yordanka Fandakova also participated in the briefing and highlighted that the city is under great pressure from the infection.

“We need to reduce the pressure on hospitals. That is why we are making offices in the DCCs. There are already offices in 9 of them, today one begins to operate in DCC 24 and 25. Thus, the polyclinics for research will become 11. They are half of the municipal clinics ”, he explained.

“Measures in public spaces that we monitor are best observed in Sofia. Seven teams review measures in public transport every day. Disinfection and control continue. We have a meeting where we will discuss the holidays. My position is no we must “We are weakening the measures in our city. The gradual return of students to school will also be discussed. But I think we cannot return them all, “explained the mayor of Sofia.

Fandakova: After November 27, we cannot return all students to class.

Sofia was the first to introduce stricter measures. They aimed to reduce opportunities for overcrowding uncontrollably. I believe these measurements were correct and still are. By no means I should not say that we cannot return all students to class after the 27th, we will also talk about the holding of Christmas bazaars and other things related to the month of December, and these measures will work and we will continue. betting on control, ”added Fandakova.

The situation in Sofia is complicated, but by no means at the level of helplessness. The hospitals are already well prepared and loaded. Most of them were restructured in two weeks.
If you remember the famous Palm Sunday briefing that we scared people off, I would ask you what’s different now. Then there were strict measures and now they have decided that everything is fine. We will not leave anyone on the street, but we will follow measures and wear masks. Make sure not to complicate the system further, “said the director of” Pirogov “Prof. Asen Baltov.


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