Health authorities propose tougher measures to combat COVID-19 (VIDEO)


Tighter measures and their extension from November 12. This is what the health authorities propose. The measures affect students, workers and retirees.

Distance learning is recommended for 5th to 12th grade students and younger ones, stopping extracurricular activities.

“It is time to stop all activities in schools that are outside the classroom,” Associate Professor Kunchev said during a briefing at the Health Ministry.

“We recommend universities to switch to teleworking. An exception should be made for doctors and exercises, since a large part of the students already volunteer in the departments for COVID-19,” explained Associate Prof. Kunchev .

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For employees, a home office will be recommended whenever possible.

“It is about time that everyone who can work remotely did so,” he added.

Recommendations will be made so that a maximum of 50% of the employees are present in the offices.

The introduction of a “green commercial corridor” for people over 65 is also being discussed.

“I believe that the work of the establishments, which we have not closed at the moment, should be limited to 10 pm. These are the restaurants, “added Associate Professor Kunchev.

It is also suggested that medical personnel identified as contagious by coronavirus are not subject to a 10-day quarantine. After a negative test carried out on at least the third day of contact, they must remain on the job so that the hospitals are not left without staff.

The latest proposal is to empower the Minister of Health to assign specialists from various health centers. In this way, the workload will be more uniform and the health system will not be as busy.

Currently 3,200 people are receiving treatment in Bulgarian hospitals.

“They receive full medical care, including medicines that are used to treat people around the world. In the context of these people, it is easy to find three people who have had a delay in the ambulance or a conflict with a doctor. This creates the impression of chaos. Where’s the chaos? Today’s hospital care carries the brunt of the pandemic on its shoulders. This is not fair to colleagues who cannot go home to their families for a whole week and they are committed to caring for coronavirus patients 24 hours a day, “Kunchev said.

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“Today, Adjunct Professor Kunchev will hold talks with expert advice on epidemiology and infectious diseases. Each of the proposed measures will be specified,” said Health Minister Prof. Kostadin Angelov. He added: “Many of the measures he proposes have already been implemented in the country, in many areas and in many schools.”

“We are in daily contact with the Minister of Education and Science. All schools that request distance education are approved by the Minister. This is because there are districts and schools in which there is not a single positive case,” said the minister. .

According to him, the current form of training is the most effective. “Believe me, the time will come when we will start asking questions about why we have problems with the education level of children,” he said.

“Each measure must be well thought out, applicable and controllable. All measures must be observed and understood by Bulgarian citizens so that they lead to a medical result. Otherwise, everything remains on paper,” the Health Minister was categorical. .


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