Social anthropologist Haralan Alexandrov STAFF: BNT
There was a time when it seemed that Radev could be the leader of a popular uprising, after which he returned to his more institutional position as a critic of the government. From the point of view of the welfare of society, this is a responsible position. In terms of your chance to become the new messiah, you may have missed a historic opportunity to fly the banner of rebellion, we missed the revolution, and I think that’s good news. So said the social anthropologist Haralan Alexandrov in BNT.
According to him, people want both change and stability. “They want to maintain stability and growth, but make it more honest, transparent and inclusive; they all want to participate in governance, which people see as access to resources,” he said.
For his part, sociologist Andrei Raichev said the summer protest had been divided. It started as a civilian who must unite everyone. “Citizens Against Power” did not happen because they were partisans. The right was on the verge of leaving its position of messiah and was on the verge of starting a dialogue with the people, but it returned to its classic pose “We are the only ones”.
According to him, the elections will be in April.
“Ninova definitely defeated her opponents, changed the character of the BSP. The left was a compromising party, obedient, seeking consensus, and now it is the opposite: strong, oppositional, aggressive,” he added.
According to Haralan, the protests did not achieve their goal.
“The two generations clashed between young and old. Parents began to ask their children what was happening. An interesting dialogue has started, which will develop,” he added.
“In my opinion, politicians have realized how fragile our political civilization is. However, we have achieved something like a Bulgarian version of electoral representative democracy, which is based on a civilized attitude. With the regression we are experiencing With the covidito blow, we lose the most valuable achievements of our civilization – the ability to have a quiet conversation, think and debate, added the social anthropologist.
Regarding the coronavirus, Haralan Alexandrov said that it is difficult for us to accept that this is nature, which at one moment trembles.
“We prefer that the virus be a product of the dark side of the mind, rather than admit that we are insignificant and that nature is indifferent to us. This is a very humiliating and difficult recognition in a time of great human pride and arrogance,” he said .
For his part, Andrei Raichev said that the hysteria had caused much more than the disease itself.
“There is no political solution, there is a state of mind that requires it and the authorities are going to sound the alarm. The authorities are only reacting, this is the big problem. The end is in sight, the vaccine will calm people down. “People need to calm down because they are in a severe fear neurosis,” Raichev explained.